Travel day

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~~Melody's POV~~

I woke up to the sound of Avi, Scott, and Kirstie singing goofily, per usual. I rolled out of my bunk and saw them dancing around the bus like fools. I giggled at the sight of Scott twerking. 

"Wow she lives!" Mitch announced.

I walked over and crawled into his lap and watched the chaos. Mitch moved my crazy crazy hair out of my face and tried to brush through it with his fingers. I closed my eyes wanting to go back to sleep. My eyes shot open when the door opened and Kevin walked in carrying a box of donuts. 

"DONUTS!" I yelled leaping off of Mitch's lap and running to Kevin. 

"Oh my lands! Patience kid!" He laughed setting the box down on the counter. 

"Oh please can I have the pink one?" I begged. 

"Well now you know how to wake her up. Just get donuts." Scott laughed. 

"Yes you can have the pink one. After you go brush your hair." Kevin laughed. 

"No one take my pink one!" I yelled as I ran to find my brush.  

I heard them all laugh simultaneously. I quickly grabbed the brush and brushed aggressively through my hair as I walked back to the front of the bus. 

"Be careful with your hair Mel!" Kirstie warned me. 

"Sorry." I laughed as I slowed down. 

"I promise the donut won't grow legs and walk away." Kevin laughed. 

This made the rest of them laugh at me. I giggled and then set my brush down as I grabbed my pink donut. I took a bite and felt like melting at how good it was! 

"Worth it?" Avi asked. 

"So worth it." I replied with a face full of donut. 

I slowly finished my donut and then got the worst news of my whole life.

"It's time to do your school. You haven't done it in three days." Kevin reminded me. 

I rolled my eyes and sunk down in my chair. 

"I'm sick?" I said fake coughing. 

"That's the really cool thing about Homeschool. You can do it even if your 'sick.'" Mitch laughed putting air quotes around 'sick.' 

I groaned as I got up to get my laptop. I went to the table and began to work on my homework. 

~Hours later~

"Hello everybody welcome to superfruit my name is dad!" Scott yells into the camera. 

I giggled quietly as I was covered by a blanket in between the two. 

"And my name is mom and we are parents!!" Mitch adds on. 

"Yes we are! Today we have a SUPER special guest on this week's episode of superfruit. It's the one and only Melody Hoying-Grassi-Maldonado-Olusola-Kaplan!" Scott announced as he ripped the blanket off my head. 

"Hi internet!" I beamed waving to the camera. 

"This is our daughter Melody, Mel, Mellie Bellie, Mellster, and too many other nicknames that we can't keep up with." Mitch gushed hugging me tightly. 

"You forgot Mellow Yellow, and Marshmelo." I laughed. 

"And Liddy!" Scott added. 

"Oh yeah!" I exclaimed pointing over at Scott. 

"Well point is she has plenty of nicknames!" Mitch laughed. 

"Yes! So in today's episode we will be answering questions you guys have for us and specifically Melody!" Scott announced. 

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