The search

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~~Scott's POV~~

It's been two days since Melody went missing. We haven't found anything. The police have been working very hard to find our girl but so far nothing. 

We have all be an absolute wreck. We have cancelled the rest of the tour which does suck but we have to put our full attention on this situation. We all are in a random hotel in Colorado while we look for Melody. I was in Mitch and I's hotel room just laying in bed while Mitch was sitting up while he talked to someone on the phone. 

"You did? Okay we are coming now!" Mitch said while getting out of bed. 

"What is going on?" I asked. 

"They found something that might be helpful to the case and they need all of us at the station!" Mitch said slipping some shoes on and running out the door. 

I grabbed my shoes and met everyone downstairs. We called an uber XL and it took us to the station. 

When we walked in Officer Hansen was waiting for us. Officer Hansen has been so hands on in the case and we love him. 

"Come in my office hurry!" He said urgently. 

We all filed in and he began to pull something up on his computer. 

"I found this footage at a gas station near the stadium you guys were performing at. We think this is your daughter." He said turning the computer toward us. 

We saw the same car pull up and the two people were wearing masks and a hoodies and they aggressively grabbed Melody out of the car. She was crying and didn't want to follow them. They hit her and she walked in with them. 

This broke my heart seeing Melody be treated like that. It also enraged me. 

"Also we found this outside the same gas station." Officer Hansen said pulling her pink coat out of a bag. 

Mitch and Kirstie and I began to cry at the sight of her coat. Avi and Kevin were crying to but I think they were trying to stay strong. 

"Yes. That's hers." Kirstie said through her tears. 

"Okay so here's some good news. This camera footage is a lot clearer and we can see the license plate! So I'm going to run that now. If you all will wait in the lobby I will come and let you know what I find." Officer Hansen said. 

We nodded excitedly hoping that we will be able to find Melody! We all walked out to the lobby and waited. 

"That video is going to haunt me." Avi said breaking the silence.

"I know. I can't even believe it." Mitch added. 

"I just want to see her again." Kevin said wiping a tear from his cheek. 

"Me too." Kirstie and I said. 

I looked over at Mitch and saw the bags under his eyes. Mitch is one of us who has taken this the hardest. We all have been a wreck but Mitch has taken it really really hard. Melody has always trust Mitch and I think he feels a special connection to her. 

"I want my Mellie." Mitch said through his sobs. 

"I know Mitchy." I said rubbing his back comfortingly. 

~After 30 minutes~

"Okay! We found an address! It's Janice and Joel Johnson! They have been wanted for the past month due to them escaping prison. We are going to go the house would you all like to ride along?" Officer Hansen said. 

We all jumped up and nodded. We all got into two different police cars. Mitch and I sat in the back of Officer Hansen's car and I held his hand comfortingly. 

"What if she's not at the house?" Mitch asked me. 

"We will find her. I promise." I said rubbing my thumb across his knuckles. 

We drove for a bit and then we arrived at the house. The blue car was in the driveway which was a dead giveaway that they were home. 

"Okay you all stay in the cars and we will go search." Officer Hansen says with a small smile. 

We nodded and just watched out the window. 

"I can't just wait here." Mitch said trying to get out of the car. 

"No! Mitch just wait." I said pushing him back into his seat. 

Suddenly the doors opened and both Janice and Joel were tackled to the floor as the cops rolled into their house to check. Two cops took Janice and Joel into custody and put them in the back of an empty car. Suddenly we heard a cop yell, "WE FOUND HER!" 

~~Mitch's POV~~

"WE FOUND HER!" We heard. 

Tears began flowing from my eyes. I got out of the car and ran into the building. I didn't care if I was supposed to stay I had to go and find my Melody. 

"MITCH STOP!" Scott called out. 

I ran into a room where all the cops were and I saw Melody crying. Her clothes were dirty and she had cuts and bruises all over her. She saw me and began to sob calling my name. This cry was like no other. It broke my heart into a billion pieces. It was the saddest cry I had ever heard. 

I walked over to her and embraced her. We both sobbed as I finally had her in my arms again. I picked her up and carried her out to the rest of the group who was standing in the front yard. They all began to cry and ran over and hugged us tightly. 

"Oh my god my sweet peanut." Avi cried looking at all the bruises and cuts on her body. 

"I want to go home." She cried. 

"Baby we can do anything you want." I said stroking her hair. 

The officers came out to us and began to ask her all kinds of questions but she couldn't even get out a word. 

"Okay take her home tonight and then come back to the station tomorrow morning." Officer Hansen said as we all got back into the cars. Melody didn't leave my side the whole way back to the hotel. Once we arrived at the hotel, Scott and I took her up to our room and let her sleep on our bed. 

She was home but I still felt uneasy. That cry was still haunting me. I could still hear it. I've never heard her cry like that before. It broke my heart. 

"Mitch are you ok?" Scott asked me breaking me out of my thoughts. 

"Yeah, I just keep thinking about all this." I replied wiping a tear from my eyes. 

"I know! It's hard." He said hugging me. 

I am just glad she is ok. I walked over to the bed and sat down next to her. I ran my fingers through her hair and wiped the tears that were still on her face. I think this whole experience with her accident and now this has made me realize how much I really did want kids but also how I needed her. She gives me so much happiness. 

"Mitch why don't you got shower and eat something. You haven't done either things since the show. I will stay here with Mel." Scott said to me. 

I nodded and got up and hugged him. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. 

~~Melody's POV~~

I woke up in a pool of sweat. I just had a nightmare about everything that happened to me. I looked around and remembered I was finally safe. I didn't see Mitch anywhere but Scott was sitting next to me. 

"Hi pumpkin! Are you ok?" He asked me. 

"I uh had a nightmare." I replied wiping my tears. 

"Oh hon I'm sorry. Here wanna watch spongebob with me?" He asked as he turned the TV on.

"Yeah." I said cuddling up to him and hugging him tightly. 

"Please don't ever leave." I said to him. 

"I would never imagine it Mellie." He said hugging me back as we watched spongebob. 

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