Chapter One

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        There is something different about today

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There is something different about today. The sun spills past drawn curtains and Belly's fan creaks on its hinges. I watch it spin clockwise as I sink into Belly's bed. I note every time it shudders and whines and I wonder if she's ever noticed it. In the winter, it lies dormant. Collecting dust, sure, but at peace. Summer isn't as kind. In the months leading to September, it runs continuously, providing a breeze cool enough to keep us away from the summer sun.

I'm lost in thought as Taylor and Belly stand beside the bed. They argue over clothing and stuff whatever they find in a large blue suitcase. It's like this every year; Taylor sneaks in a skin tight dress, and Belly grabs for her hoodie and sweats. I usually stay out of it, smile from afar, and admire my pre-packed and organized luggage. It's a skill to know exactly how many shirts and shorts I'll need for the summer.

"Bells, I seriously need you to trust me on this." I turn my head as Taylor speaks, watching her hold up a tube top. Belly laughs loudly, shielding her eyes. "God, Taylor! I'm not bringing that!" She exclaims. Taylor's shoulders drop, and she groans, her head tilting back. I even spot the scrunch of her nose. "Come on!" She pleads. I can see the fire in Belly's eyes as rebuttal builds.

I sigh heavily and sit upward. This draws their attention, Taylor snorting with a raised brow. "What's got you so under?" Taylor asks.

I roll my eyes. "Really?" I scoff. "Maybe it's because you two have just about talked my ears off," I say sarcastically. It's entirely true, and suddenly I can't remember the last time I've sat in silence. "Just a thought," I add, winking. It's a joking gesture, one that takes the pair by surprise. Taylor, however, laughs as if she hasn't in years, and tosses the tube top in my direction. Much to my dismay, the cloth that I'd better describe as dental floss, square's me in the face. It causes an uproar of laughter, deepening my embarrassment. I peel it off, and see Belly gripping her stomach in hysterics.

I eye the shirt, shaking my head. "Ok, but seriously, follow Taylor's advice," I snicker. "See! It's fa-shion!" Taylor exclaims. I smile at that, throwing the paper thin garment back to its owner. The top falls short, however, and lands at Taylor's feet. "Nice shot," she teases. Taylor picks it up, and looks at Belly. "Two against one. You have no choice," she says firmly. "I know a certain someone would love it," she giggles in a sing-song tone. As soon as it was said, a deep flush appeared on Belly's cheeks. "What?" She exclaims, almost exasperated. "I have no idea what you're talking about!" With that, she grabs the shirt and throws it in her closet.

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