Ciao, Later

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Inspired by Call Me By Your Name
I do not know italian, i'm using a translator
I hope you enjoy this story as well! i missed you, welcome back for another adventure!
And Happy birthday to our lovely and amazing Jenna, a day early but a gift for you guys on her special day ❤️
-Your Favorite Author

Crema, Lombardy is a city, in the region of in northern  Italy, such a calm beautiful place, Perfect for Summer vacation, perfect for any occasion

That's what twenty one year old Jenna Ortega had heard,  beauty and wonders from this place, she had been wanting to come so bad, she finally had free time, a lot actually, she needed a break from everything, she smiled as she took a deep breath as she got off the train, taking a deep breath of the fresh air, she looked around feeling relieved there was no traffic, barely any cars, just local people

"Excuse me, are you Jenna?" A lady's voice asked as she stood next to Jenna, who quickly turned around smiling nodding "Hi! yes that's me" The lady smiled nodding, stretching her hand out "My name is Mafalda, i will take you to house" Jenna nodded smiling as she grabbed her luggage following Mafalda to the car.

The ride was silent, Jenna the whole way looked outside the window in awe' of the sight  feeling happy she was here, as they drove around the small town a bike followed the car from behind, Mafalda looked in the rear mirror rolling her eyes with a soft smile, Jenna noticed this as she looked behind, but nothing was there

"Ciao Mafalda!" (Hi ) Jenna was startled as a girl riding her bike was hanging on the door as the lady drove "Ciao Y/n! attenzione!" (Hi, be careful) She took in the girl, who was wearing a opened flannel shirt with swimming shorts, a black adidas top and black sunglasses and a huge smile

"È questo l'americano che dovevi prendere? " (Is this the American you were supposed to pick up?) Mafalda nodded slapping her hand off the car, making Y/n laugh "Hello!"  Y/n said waving at Jenna as she sped off on her bike  "Who was that?" Jenna asked as she looked at the girl pedaling away "Y/n Marescotti  " Jenna nodded "Her family is well known here " She tried to look at the girl from afar but she was al ready to ahead, not catching a glimpse of her

All good? u safe?

Hey babe! got there al ready? how was the trip?

Don't forget to call me yeah? Love you baby.

Jenna looked at her notifications with a soft smile deciding she would answer them later, She kept looking around enjoying the fresh air, the landscape, Mafalda looked at her, she looked very young, when her bosses told her she was 21 she was shocked when she saw her, expecting someone who looked a bit older

"We are here" Mafalda announced, Jenna looked at the entrance of the house taking it in, it was old but pretty, she felt excited, and she felt even more excited for some reason the minute she saw a familiar bike in the drive way

"Ciao! You must be Jenna! Mafalda Per favore, portate le sue valigie nella sua stanza "(Please take her bags to her room) A lady and a man stood in front of the of the house with a huge smile "My name is Emilia Marescotti and this is my husband Alessio Marescotti welcome to our home" She said with a huge smile, the man as well as he pulled out a cigar "Don't be afraid to make yourself at home, please" He said as he left, leaving Jenna alone with the woman "Thank you so much for having me here, when i saw the renting i was like yes please! it's even better than the pictures " Jenna said feeling embarrassed feeling as if she spoke to much, making the woman giggle showing her pearly white teeth "Of course we like to rent out so the house doesn't feel so lonely plus we get to know new people, always an amazing experience" She said as they made their way through the stairs up to the rooms, Jenna smiled looking around the house, so simple, so old yet so pretty "I hope you don't mind but you'll be staying in my daughters room" Jenna nodded, she didn't mind at all "But where will she stay? is she okay with this?" She asked as they entered the room "Yes she's fine with it, you see the bathroom right there?" Jenna nodded taking a look

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