Know you, Last

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Scotti groaned as she woke up covering her face trying to hide from the sun, she and Billie had drunk a full bottle of wine, she smiled shaking her head wondering if Billie was already awake, she looked around seeing a glass of water and aspirin for her headache, a small note on the side of the glass 

Didn't want to wake you, i'll be down stairs - Jenna 

She smiled as she quickly took the pill, sprinting to the bathroom to shower

"Wow, this place is absolutely stunning," Emma exclaimed as she lowered her shades, taking a leisurely sip of her orange juice. Jenna, holding a cigarette and her coffee, nodded in agreement, her face beaming. "I know, right? It's so charming and perfect here. I'm so happy you came," Jenna added with an exuberant smile. Emma grinned, relishing their outdoor breakfast, her gaze momentarily shifting to her phone.

PercyHey! Here's the location *Sends location* I hope the surprise goes well!!! If you need any help, let me know!!

Emma smiled as she hit send and put her phone away. "So, what's the plan for today?" Emma asked. Jenna rested her chin on her hand, lost in thought. Before she could respond, a cheerful Scotti made her presence known. "Good morning!" she greeted with an enthusiastic smile. Jenna returned the gesture, waving at her. "Morning, Scotti. How are you feeling?" she asked, pointing to the espresso already waiting for her. Emma blushed slightly, offering a timid wave but feeling a bit nervous in the presence of the girl. "Not bad! Thank you for the aspirin; it helped a lot! I texted Billie, but I guess she's still sleeping," Y/n said, glancing around and noticing Emma. "Oh, hi! Who are you?" she asked, offering a soft smile to the new girl not remembering who she was "This is Emma Myers, one of my best friends," Emma nodded. "And co-workers!" Y/n smiled and nodded. "Well, welcome. If you need anything during your stay, let me... wait, where are you sleeping?" Y/n asked, a frown forming, realizing her room was already occupied. "With me, but since you were drunk last night, she slept where you're sleeping," Jenna said, offering Y/n a cigarette. 

Emma couldn't help but notice how Y/n took it without hesitation and how Jenna had already placed orders for her breakfast and coffee. The two of them had apparently fallen into a small routine, discovering each other's preferences.

 Emma found it a bit odd; Jenna never did this for Percy. "Oh, alright. I can stay with Billie if Emma wants her own room. I'm sure she won't mind," Y/n suggested. "No!" Jenna responded quickly. Emma was relieved she was wearing shades, or else Jenna might have noticed her widened eyes. "It's not necessary, Y/n. I'm sure Emma doesn't mind sharing a bed for a week, right?" Jenna didn't want Y/n to leave. If she stayed with Billie, that would mean less time with her, and any interaction they had wouldn't be as extended. 

"No, I don't mind, Y/n. It's fine, I promise," Emma reassured, not wanting to inconvenience the homeowner. "I'd love to get to know you better as well." Y/n smiled, nodding. "We can do that later, Ems. She has to go see her friend," Jenna interjected. Y/n flashed her a thankful smile and nodded. "Yeah, I've got to check on her. Plus, I promised her we'd hang out today. Maybe later tonight, Emma!" Y/n said quickly as she stood up. "Oh!" Y/n handed Jenna her phone, who saw the new contact she wanted – her phone number – and gladly accepted it.

"Alright, goodbye! Have fun, girls!" Y/n said cheerfully as she walked away."Jenna, you've got to set me up with her," Jenna choked on her coffee, her eyes widening, before clearing her throat. "Huh?" "She's really cute is she dating someone??" Jenna felt very jealous, his time really jealous "I honestly don't know i think she is?? i've never really asked actually"  Emma nodded "I'm on a mission then"

Mission my ass Jenna thought with gritted teeth 

"Y/n" Maggie said with a soft smile as the girl walked in with her usual radiant smile "Miss Baird hi" She said pulling the woman in to a hug, who quickly hugged back smiling "Is she awake?" Y/n asked as she grabbed a glass of water, the lady shook her head 'no' "Actually there's something we need to talk about" Maggie said looking down, Y/n frowned not liking her tone "Is everything okay?" Scotti asked grabbing Maggies hand, who smiled softly nodding "Yes but...we weren't suppose to come this year you know that right?" She said more in a question "Not really no but...what's wrong?" Maggie took a deep breath "We're leaving in two days..." Y/n's eyes widen, two days?? they always stay for the whole summer "What? why?? you guys have been here for like two weeks?" She nodded "Billie doesn't know yet... she's going on tour so we gotta head back we really just came because she was dying to see you and she was having a lot of sad days so we just...decided to come" Y/n sat down sadness taking over her, she didn't want Billie to leave yet.. "When are you telling her?" Maggie squeezed her shoulder "I was hoping you would be the one to break the news to her" Y/n looked down frowning...nodding softly 

"Psttt.." Y/n said poking Billie's cheek "Eilish" she said poking it harder, she took in her sleeping friend, Billie deserved the world, she felt sad she was going to have to break the news to her, she didn't know when tho...maybe at the end of the day "BILLIE!" She yelled making the girl fall off her bed "BITCH WHAT THE FUCK??? " Billie was met with that smile she loved so much "Good morning! about damn time" She giggled, Billie rolled her eyes smiling slightly covering her face with her pillow "Man fuck you for real" Y/n laid down with her cuddling her right away "Time to get up we have a long day ahead of us" 

They both laid down in Y/n's backyard, as they stared at the clouds, Y/n looked at her friend who had her eyes shut, Y/n opened her mouth to speak to tell her what Maggie had informed her but was interrupted "Y/n hi!!" Emma said quickly running over to her, Billie opened her eyes frowning making a face of discomfort, Jenna quickly following behind her  stopping quickly once she saw Billie, quickly going inside hiding her self "Holy shit is that Billie Eilish?" Emma added shocked at seeing the singer, right there "Hey what's up?" Billie said trying to sound normal, feeling annoyed that she interrupted her time with Y/n "Wow never did i think i'd meet you here! what bring you here??" Emma asked too many questions and Y/n could read her friend perfectly "Oh she's my best friend and came to visit but enough of that ! where's Jenna?" "She's right! " Emma turned around frowning looking around "She was right behind me actually?" Billie took in the girl 

why did she look so familiar? 

"I guess she went inside! but let me introduce you two! Billie, this is Emma Myers? Jenna's best friend and Emma, this is Billie Baird O'Connell" Billie rolled her eyes at her friend "Geez didn't have to give out my full name but it's nice to meet you Emma" She said smiling at the girl "I hope you don't mind but can i get a picutre?" Emma asked Billie shook her head "Nah not at all man just please don't post the location" Emma nodded quickly pulling her phone out "I can take the picture " Y/n offered 

She took the picture, Emma smiled thanking her "Thank you so much! i'm gonna go look for Jenna!" Y/n and Billie nodded as they waved goodbye "Damn i was really looking forward to you meeting Jenna" Y/n said frowning "Not gonna lie that girl looked mad familiar i don't know where i've seen her...i know for sure...she's famous" 

The day was ending, Y/n was dropping off Billie "Niceee see you-" "Wait..i have to tell you something " Billie frowned seeing Scotti's face "What is it?"  she asked
Y/n took a deep breath getting the courage to tell her "C'mon spit it out" She pressured 

"Tomorrows your last day here" 


"Don't make me repeat my self eilish..." Y/n said looking down "Your mom asked me to tell you..." Billie frowned "But..we always stay for the whole summer" 

"They didn't want to tell you..your going on tour soon" Billie sat down on the grass "So was this our last day...?" She tried to hold in the tears "Tomorrow" Y/n said pulling her in for a hug 

"Will you sleep over?" Billie asked "Of course Eilish, anything for you"  

Y/n pulled out her phone sending a quick text to Jenna 

Helloo, just letting you know i'm sleeping over at Billie's so don't wait for me, Have fun with your friend! 

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