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Hi - Unique magic
"Hello" - whispering


[me lazy]

3rd person point of view

Light peeks out seepes into the room of MY/N waking them up MY/N rubs his eyes trying to stay awake still feeling groggy they roll out of bed and walk to hes bathroom and sits in his bath tub turning on the water sinking into the water liking the silence after a few minutes he got out of the bath tub and put on his uniform he got everything he needed into his bag he went to his vanity and fixed his hair and put on his makeup he was happy his eyeliner was perfect no mistakes this morning....or so he thought but let us not mind that

He exits his room and goes to the kitchen to cook something light he cooked and ate it and went out of the dorm and checked the time it was 7:46 am he quickened his pace after a few minutes he arrives at his classroom he looks for seat and takes his seat and checks for anything once he confirms nothing is needed he gets his phone and opens it and begins to play as time passes students start to enter but none of them gets the interest of MY/N but one suddenly appears upside down poking his nose waking him up while saying

"Wakey wakey its almost time beastie" A deep voice says softly making MY/N flutter his eyes while groaning at the light his YD/EC meeting magenta colored eyes

"Mhm" MY/N let's out [not m] stretching his arms before sitting upright he sees lilia grinning at him

"What is it that you need to interrupt my well deserved slumber War general Lilia Vanrouge" MY/N asks the fae still frustrated his sleep got interrupted making the fae sigh before speaking

"Ástin Mín the bell is about to ring so I have to wake you up so you will not get scolded" The fae explains to the never-sleeps-male making the male nod in understanding

Lilia and Malleus sits next to MY/N, the yd/hcnette not minding them sitting next to him instead getting their things ready on his table the two doing the same before looking at the door waiting for their first period to start a few minutes pass by quickly but for MY/N it passed slowly like a snail they tapped their long/short nails on the table looking at the time waiting for the bell to ring, the ring finally rings a few seconds after their professor entering the professor being Mozus Trein, Professor Trein sets his things on the table with Lucius meowing after every time trein finishes saying something before asking

"Good morning who can tell me what was our last lesson and explain it" Trein questioned the third years "No one? Fine I'll call someone" Trein added after no one answered "MY/N M/N L/N answer" Trein calls making the yd/hcnette sigh before answering with a very detailed explanation [idk what their lecture can be so I became lazy and didn't search] making the whole class except for Trey and Lilia,Malleus, and Vil sigh in relief "Now moving on to our lesson" Trein states before starting to talk about the lesson

[TIME] <9:00 AM>

MY/N exits the room after the bell rang and they [whole class] got dismissed and started walking to the field to Physical Education class checking the time his eyes widening starting to sprint to the field making sure not to slip or trip he successfully reaches the class without slipping or tripping or sweating he Cheers in his mind for that, he waits for the bell to ring once again, Idia suddenly walks towards him and hides behind him swiftly shocking MY/N that he decided to attend so he whisper asked

"Idia what are you doing here I thought you would not leave your room?" MY/N asks in confusion making idia look at him "well I went here because we are classmates and your here anyway so I decide to attend" Idia explains making MY/N nod his head knowing idia doesn't want to talk anymore the two of them waited and waited and the bell finally rang and their teacher is once again there he started talking but MY/N didn't listen the only things he heard were to get their brooms and fly perfectly since they were 3rd years already so he went to get his broom with Idia when he heard his name called he hopped on the broom and the broom went very high in the sky and when he heard the signal to go down he went down swiftly and safely he wanted to relax but he heard someone was falling

"Okay broom we need to fly there and help the person who's falling okay?" MY/N tells the broom he hops on the broom once again he controls the broom to the direction where the person is falling he catches the person and he controls the broom to go down swiftly they went down safely and everyone clapped for him saying he was a savior he started sweating from the heat so he did a simple water spell so he can become wet but in result it made his man tities and abs visible making Cater and Lilia picture him in secret while the others had nosebleeds and some fainted the bell rang indicating that it was lunch so they all went to take a shower and they changed into their uniforms once again [New uniform not the uniform that has sweat ew]

They all went to the cafeteria MY/N forgot something so he excused himself to his dorm and got the bentos he made for everyone so he wrote names for who's who and gave it to ortho so ortho can deliver them to the students, MY/N went to his office of student discipline and sat down on his chair and saw the mountains of paperwork "sevens this is going to be hard" he said starting to write on every paperwork since there isn't members in the student discipline except for him he had to do everything he planned on observing students so they can become part of the student discipline, MY/N continues to write he finally finished

'I'll finish this tomorrow morning' He thought walking out of his office before locking every cabinet with confidential documents, he walks out of the office locking it and walking towards the cafeteria greeted with a empty cafeteria 'expected' he thought, he got his lunch and ate it as fast as he could and walked to his next class being potions

'Finally I'm here' MY/N thinks and takes a sit with his partner ['Random' pomefiore student] he talks with them about whatever and waits for the bell to ring and for the class to start after a few minutes of chatting the class starts after the bell rings they are told to make a potion of their choice and demonstrate how it works,

"What potion should we make?" MY/N asks his partner his partner thinks before answering "how about Elixer of the Master it combines every potion into one and allows the user to use every potion" MY/NS partner answering with a smile MY/N nods while smiling showing approval they start making the potion [They made the potion by memory] they finished a little earlier so they 'talked' about [more like became gossip besties] random stuff before they finally got called

"MY/N and 'Random' pomefiore student!" Crewel calls while walking towards them sure it's slightly intimidating but they stood tall, they explained the potion with details, MY/N drank the potion they waited a few seconds and then asked what they want to see they said for MY/N to turn into a dragon and make plants they nod and MY/N focused and he turned into a YD/DC colored dragon [for more details search eruhaben dragon form but the color is YD/DC] shocking them MY/N once again focuses and a plant becomes 2 two plants become 3 three plants becomes a whole garden the garden becomes a large tree [Kinda like irumas tree in welcome to demon school iruma -kun!]all of them except for MY/N stood there their jaws open none of them moved the bell rang yet they still have not moved a muscle so MY/N sighs before talking to 'Random' pomefiore student while walking to the cafeteria [there marites rn marites means gossiper] they finally after a few minutes [3 minutes they were sprinting while talking about the latest 'tea'] they go to the line and when it was their turn they order and get their order they go to an empty table and sit there they overhear a conversation from the table near them so they listen before MY/N says something that shocked the whole cafeteria it became quiet

"Vincent Eleanor De Sutclieff Would you accept the role of Vice president of Student discipline?" MY/N uses his puppy eyes not knowing he used it making everyone present clutch their clothes near their heart He takes his silence as a No so he nods and looks down in disappointment his puppy eyes turning sad puppy eyes making everyone present panic [Because he wanted to gossip more and see Vincent more every day] before he could say anything Vincent nods many times to his confusion Vincent sighs before speaking "MY/N I just got shocked if you think my answer is no then thats wrong becaude I would never say no to YOU" Vincent says with a serious espression making MY/N smile at his words making all present at the cafeteria sigh in relief

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