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3rd point of view 

The bell rings signaling lunch is over making MY/N sigh realizing Mathematics is the first subject after lunch, MY/N smiled calmly at Vincent before standing up and putting his tray containing empty plate and glass away and walked to his class

{LOCATION}<Mathematics classroom>
{TIME} < 12:05 pm>

MY/N arrives to mathematics 5 minutes early He sits down to a far away seat, he puts his head on his arm starting to get lost in his thoughts

'I wanna sleep,
Should I torment Crowley? Hmm I should hehehe I'm gonna plan it now' MY/N thought he smiles mischievously he starts to write every way he could think of so he can torment the birb

The professor finally arrives and they go over the topic and 💩 MY/N decides to be a good student and answer every question so every student that doesn't want to be called won't be called

'School finally ended' almost every student thought sighing in relief going back to their dorms to rest

MY/N decides to take a walk around the campus cause why not, He strolls around the cafeteria, MY/N hears running noises 'tf is that should I check it out nah' he thought continuing his walking the cafeteria he hears the running noises coming close to his direction so he sprints he hears more running but now its with screams? He went in the main part of the cafeteria MY/N looks up and sees the chandelier about to hit him his eyes widen he trys to sprint but to not avail he gets hit with the chandelier four people scream when they see him getting hit, smoke surrounds the area, when the smoke clears out they see him standing no bruises nor blood MY/N turns around and removes the dust on him leaving the birb to scold the four people

MY/N walks back to the dorm and goes to his dorm room he flops on his bed and opens his phone starting to scroll in magicam he decides to go to twistok and post a twistok cause hes bored he went through magitwi to see the latest drama, MY/N takes a long shower, he went out of his dorm room to bake pomegranate candy, he gave it to every ignihyde dorm student he made a simple sweet for himself he went back to his room and ate the sweet he slept in his comfy bed he started to dream of 

" II Mio Pesce Angelo do not be afraid " One said

"My white rose you must abide the rules or there will be a consequences" Another said

"Player 2 you will not leave me right?" A familiar voice spoke

"Liebster Schatz I shall cherish and take care of your beauty"

"My treasure you are safe with me"

" Zahrat Alsahra' snake whisperer I am your master"

"Carnivore you are forever mine"

That was the end of the dream MY/N  slept peacefully

That was the end of the dream MY/N  slept peacefully

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Mysterious Records

Idia saw the candy and ate it immeadiately he knew who made it

Someones stalking MY/N

MY/N is watching someone carefully

One of MY/Ns titles in NRC is ancient mage because he knows too much ancient spells, powers, and everything he knows EVERYTHING even things that are forbidden and even things Lilia does not know

MY/N often sleeps in math

Everyone in mathematics sighed in relief except for the ones that wanted to answer

The professor for mathematics is unknown

MY/N stayed up he didn't sleep

Someone from MY/Ns past that was supposed to be DEAD is roaming RSA looking for MY/N

Someone is obsessed with MY/N and has a shrine dedicated to him

I won't do this often


648 words

Im trying this please give feedback do you like this type of writing

Holy 💩 I updated sorry this is short Im lazy rn and I wrote this when I'm outside not in the comforts of my room and Im still sick :(

Love yall

Mwah mwah mwah mwah

*gives trillions of hearts to all of you*

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