Chapter 3

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It was the first time Princess Alexandra found herself within the grounds of Kensington Palace She was puzzled by the grandiosity of the palace, not that she haven't been in one, Balmoral was quite impressive, she was struck by the realisation that this would be her home for the next few years of her life. Being there put her closer to jumping into public life, she would soon have to face the comments that the news of her existence would raise.

As she strolled through Hyde Park on the evening of her arrival (followed by a discreet security team and with her ginger hair pulled back under a black cap) she curiously watched the other people doing the same in the London park. In a few years she would not be a mere passer-by to most of them. They would recognise her as the daughter of Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge.

- We should come back inside your royal highness, it's getting late and besides people might realise of your presence here.

- I'm technically not your royal highness as still my existence is a state secret Rigobert

- I'm Richard m'am. You know His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has insisted on us addressing you in a proper manner.

- God, we're coming back, you are responsible for making my night miserable, again. we are not starting good in our friendship Ryan- I groaned in exasperation at the mention of my grandfather, if my relationship with my father was strained with my grandfather it simply didn't exist. I didn't speak to him and I didn't answer his texts or calls. I was beyond furious after my grandfather and my dearest father's decision to change my escorts to new, much stricter ones.

-I am not your friend m'am. I am a country sever and my mission is to protect you as you are third in line for the britannic throne.- he said in his very irritating thone.

-And I insist that I am still not present in the line to the throne therefore I don't know why I cannot even go for a walk.

- Your protection m'am

- My protection or the protection of the public image of my father sir?

He finally shut up and we continued with our way home without anymore talking, something I appreciated a lot. I admired the palace as we faced it on our way to one of the service doors.

I've heard a lot of stories about this place, mainly from my younger siblings and some old ones from my uncle Harry. We have a pretty close bond, and in many ways, we're both equals. I usually love to associate us with being both redheads.

I stayed at an apartment of my own, and the vast majority of the staff weren't able to be near it. It was another measure for keeping my existence a secret, at least until I get my IB in Wales. It was first said that I was to stay with my parents, but I spoke clearly against it because Nottingham Cottage was a very small space compared to the flat that had been allotted to me inside Kensington Palace. I couldn't understand the reason for providing such a space, though I could imagine it.

Still, spending the afternoon there with my aunt and uncle and Archie was healing. There was an atmosphere in the house that was much like the one I had experienced in Madrid with the Griffins. It was the opposite of the tension and bad feeling that reigned in the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's house. In private, the couple rarely spoke to each other and took turns spending time with their children without each other. It was something that hit me hard when I began to spend time with them in their summers at Balmoral. The realisation that my parents couldn't stand each other because of me was hard to swallow, and even if I didn't acknowledge it in public, it still haunts me today.

I loved being at my uncle's house. I was relaxing on the sofa after an afternoon with the Sussexes, when I felt my uncle come down the stairs and ask the security team to give us privacy.

- I've already put Archie to sleep and Meg is out with Doria for a walk," said my uncle, joining me on the sofa in the living room.

- Did you send your wife away to talk to me? - I suggested amusedly to avoid the conversation that was coming - Or was she bored about you trying to force me into supporting my father's presence.

He had been trying for months to improve my relationship with my father, which was hypocritical considering that he himself had problems with his father and mine.

- Lexy, I have wanted to talk to you since you come back from Madrid

- We are talking- I said while I was petting the little dog that my aunt and uncle had.

- Alexandra

- I know my name Henry - I added in hopes of him avoiding the talk

He sighed amused, in many things the Duke of Sussex saw himself reflected in his niece, although she had a much stronger personality, he was sure that when the day came Alexandra would be a great Queen.

- Although my relationship with your father is not good, I think you should seek to improve things between you before you go to Wales, Lexi.

- Has Lilibeth asked you to speak to me? - I said raising an eyebrow

- She does not have to ask me for me getting worried about you Lexy, sooner or later your existence will cope every single headline and a good relationship with him would give you help

- He is insufferable

- Indeed honey, but he was just forced to grow up and bear the weight of the crown Lexy, try to understand him. Our parents divorce and our mother deaths force him to mature and to deal with lot of media presence

- You were also into those situations and you had not abandoned Archie

That keep him quite for a few minutes while he thought about another excuse for him father

- I once wore a Nazi gown, I am not any better than him, Lexy, I caused a lot of trouble for the firm - he confessed though I knew that information as I had researched about the several controversies created by members of the royal family.

- You have changed, you were just an stupid teenager- I excused him

- So were your father honey, he was forced to make those decisions. So did your mother.

- Did you know she has depression? H she cannot even fathom me playing with my siblings without going to her chamber to cry, he and The Firm destroyed her- and then I had another stupid breakdown and erupted into tears before Harry hugged my thigh.- I hate him Harry, I hate what he has done to her.

Shorter chapter, but uni has just started and my schedule is being a big mess. Lot of chatting between Lexy and Harry. I will change a lot of the things that happened with the Sussex's at it is my plot. Will Lexy ever understand her father attitude?

HRH Princess Alexandra of WalesWhere stories live. Discover now