chapter 9

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Today was shaping up to be a long day not even a hour into their shift and they reserved a call saying a man had been shot and became unresponsive over the phone.
"This looks familiar"Sam said as she stared up at a tree
"We've been her before"hen added
"When?"buck questioned
"Long before us"Bobby said as he joined to group staring at the tree.
A few years ago they received a call to this exact spot a woman had hung her self there were sines of abuse but nothing ever happened to him. After that night as much as she disliked her mother and her choice (the biggest being choosing her abusive husband over her daughter) Sam could help but worry what would happen if that happened to her of course she tried to reach out but nothing.
When they got there the man was severely bleeding from the chest hen cut off the shit as Sam began to pack the wound.
"The built she fiered at him"Bobby pointed out
"Did it fly back at him when h blew the tree up?"hen added
"Karma is a bitch" Sam said as the man died

When they got back to the station chim had arranged a blood drives.
"So I wanted to thank all for donating today I don't know if you know this or not but 90% of blood is given to patients comes from volunteers"chim says as he walked in to the room were hen buck Sam and a few citizens were giving blood.
"So how did you do?" Bobby says as he walked in to the station.
"Everyone donated to even some came on their day off" chim explained
" Great lets wrap it up " Bobby says before trying to leave to go to his office
"Hold up" chim said flicking through his clipboard."looks like I am 2 pints short of my gole"
"Well it'll give you something to work to for next time"Bobby says before trying to leave again
"Hold on you're the captain of the firehouse and your the only one who didn't participate "
" I don't like needles end of story"
"Come on cap"hen says getting up
"You got to donate "Sam added
" I don't give blood I never get blood when I was a kid they tried to take my blood and I bit the doctor "Bobby explain causing a small laugh to come from Sam "it's not funny and the one time someone tries take my blood as an adult didn't go well" Bobby walked away as the group laughter at the idea of the cap biting a doctor after a little bit of beauty chim managed to convince probably to give the final two pints of blood he needed.

On their next call they were met by a frantic employee who boss had been in the tanning bed for a little to long his whole body was burnt head to toe. Vitamin Bedford overheated while he was on it Bobby moved around the bed to turn it off as to not cause further damage.
While the rest began to work on him.
"What do you think chim is he alive?" Bobby asked a chim began to examine him
"He's alive " chim said as he reached into the bag .
"Why didn't he get out"buck asked as he looked over the man
"He could have had a stroke "Sam responded
"He's 32 "the girl added
"What was he one ?we need to know "Bobby asked her
"I don't know "
" 32 may have had a stroke drugs could be the underlying course what was he on?" He asked her as it was clear she was being to panic
"Every thing he was stacking " she blurted out
"Steroids " Sam added
"As chim began to shock him
"He's in v tack " chim shouted
"Starting compression" hen said as she did it was like the skin was coming off of him
"He's gone " chim said as he stopped
"This is freaky I mean after what to Mindy  I told him I said Barry what goes around comes around"
"Who's Mindy " hen questions
Turns out the reason the girl was fired it's because she broke the guys window to save his dog from overheating on a 70 degree day in the car.
"Karma is a ..." Sam started
"Don't say it " chim said before she could Finnish
After Bobby reserved a call
"What's up cap?" Chim asked
"That was cedars "
"Is someone sick?" Buck said with a worry in his tone
"Th blood I donated they sent it to a lab and had it tested"
" They alway to that" Sam pointed out trying to calm him anxiety
" They found something it it"
" What do you mean found something"hen asked as everyone was beginning to worry now
"They won't tell me over the phone "  as they all loaded into the truck everyone was quite. Sam took as long as possible putting the med bag back in the the truck she needed time alone to try and calm her fears Bobby had been the best cap she had ever had as she truly loved him and couldn't imagine the 118 without him. She closed the door as buck appeared " I am sure he will be fine you know Bobby he can survive anything"
"It just I mean who knows what could happen if it is bad he could spiral and worse then last what if h can't be caption anyone more what if he" Sam could bring her self to finish that thought buck rapped his arms around her and just hugged her
"It will be ok no matter what " he said before the pair head into the truck.

Latter that day chim went with Bobby to the hospital.
"Ok chim messaged" Sam said as her buck and hen had anticipated any kind of news
"He said bobby is ok he has something in his blood that could help cure rhesus disease"  Sam said with a slight of relieve "he'd going to be ok" Sam said with a smile

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