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The air around him felt suffocating, the breeze was anything but calming as Louis walked around the park in the early hours of the first bout of winter. The scarf around his neck felt strangling, the sweaters he adorned to keep himself warm did anything but that.

The gusts of wind increased their pace as chills ran down Louis' spine. Two years ago today he'd woken up in a small flat in London surrounded by his friends, he'd ignored their plea filled voices and looked all over the apartment for Harry.

His body wasn't strong enough, neither was his brain to process that Harry had left him. Or at least that's what Zayn and Niall told him. He outright refused to believe them, his Harry would never do that. He'd promised to never do that. But as days turned to weeks and weeks to months even his false sense of hope and security wore off and the bitter truth settled in his broken heart.

Why did you do this to me Harry?

The question constantly made rounds in his thoughts everyday like clockwork. He'd taken up a job at a family run bakery, the old couple had been kind enough to offer him a job even though they clearly didn't need outside help. He'd stopped talking to everyone back home the moment they left London to return to their own lives.

The part of his life he was forced to leave behind was now gone. He'd plucked it like a wilted flower, all hope of it re-blooming now dead like its roots.

This day brought nothing but misery and reminded him of a love that he didn't get to say goodbye to. For a while he'd thought he'd cry, he even felt like it sometimes but the tears froze like ice crystals of rage every time he thought of the promises broken and the lies told.

A leaf crunching rather loudly brought him back to the present as he arrived at the staircase of his apartment.

He buzzed himself in, greeting the twins hurdling around the ground floor as their mother got them ready for school. The old wooden floorboards creaked each time he took a step forward on the stairs, the sound he was rather accustomed to.

He fished out his keys from the pocket of his coat, the small Rainbow on the keychain dangling with a soft clink that rang around in echoes on the empty floor.

The top floor was occupied by Louis only, the apartment opposite to him remained sealed shut at all times.

Truthfully he was grateful for that.

The next few seconds felt like something he probably saw in his drunken hallucinations. The floor spun, and suddenly the creaking floorboards sounded like clanging bells and whistles that deafened him.

There he was, in flesh.

Harry Styles.

Hair reaching his shoulders, eyes the same intense green as he'd remembered. His body looked more buff, and Louis could make out the scars and marks across his hands and face.

Fresh scars.

What happened to you Harry?


Louis willed himself not to lean into the safety one single word and voice brought him. He couldn't trust Harry again. Not when he'd broken his promises once already.

"Go away Harry. Please go away"

He hated the way his voice sounded, the whimper sitting on the tip of his tongue and the tremor in his voice holding enough power to shake the universe.

Harry was swift in his movements, arm snaking around Louis' waist as he crowded Louis against the wall. He felt the smaller boy go pliant in his touch, lips trembling as a pained whimper left his pale pink lips. His emerald green eyes scanned Louis' icy blue ones for hints of hesitation, and when he found none, his heart held a bit more confidence.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you no longer love me, tell me to leave and I will"

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