Flain - Headcanons

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-Hangs out with the Cragsters (especially Seismo) the most out of all tribes. He even prefers them over his own brethren.

-His best friend is Seismo.

-On top of that, it's likely that he's also the only Mixel who would ever like to participate in a game of rockball, although he would pretty much end up ruining it.

-Is super extroverted and sociable.

-Hosts Mixel festivals.

-Often gets bothered by Vulk's clumsiness and mistakes, and Zorch's over-enthusiasm and irritating attitude. Despite this, he does care in a deep way about his tribe mates.

-Aside from Seismo and the rest of the Cragsters, he's also on good terms with the Frosticons, despite the fact that their habitat could genuinely cause him and his brethren problems (same would apply to the Magma Wastelands in the case of the Frosticons). 

-The intensity of the fire on his head is dependant on the situation he is in.  

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