Flamzer - Headcanons

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- Wouldn't say they are best friends, but he gets along with Rokit because they both are perfectionists, taking every minute thing seriously, alongside other similarities between the two characters.

- Is the oldest of the Infernites, and pretty old (not too old though) compared to most other Mixels, which would explain why his humour is so old-school.

- Tells the LAMEST EVER of jokes that only he himself finds funny. 

- Doesn't really get along with most Mixels, including his tribe-mates. No one's ever listening to him, and no one is as alert and strict as him.

- The ONLY Mixel who supported Burnard during the mixamajig incident.

- Isn't one to keep up with modern technology.

- He sometimes gets into debates with Flain about why he should be the leader of the Infernites. 

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