A Forced Destiny

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Breathing heavily, I stumbled back into the confines of our home, my heart still racing from the encounter with Soheil. Khaleh Joon, who had been lounging in her room, noticed my disheveled state and approached me with anger etched across her face.

"What happened to you, Yara?" she demanded, her voice sharp. "Why are you panting like a wild animal?"

Tears streamed down my face as I struggled to find my voice. My trembling hands tried to form the words to explain the ordeal I had just experienced. "I saw Soheil," I managed to choke out, my voice quivering with fear.

Khaleh Joon's brows furrowed in confusion. "Soheil? What's he doing here?"

I recounted the encounter with Soheil, every word laden with anguish and terror. "He grabbed my arm and threatened me," I sobbed. "He said I shouldn't have gone outside, and he... he's furious."

Desperation welled up within me, and I begged Khaleh Joon one last time, my voice trembling, "Please, Khaleh Joon, I can't marry him. I can't go through with this. He's dangerous, and I'm scared for my life."

But my pleas fell on deaf ears. Khaleh Joon's expression hardened, and she shook her head dismissively. "Yara, he will change after marriage. You have no choice in this matter. And Soheil is right; you should not go out now."

Tears continued to cascade down my cheeks, and I felt a crushing sense of helplessness. My future had been decided without my consent, and I was trapped in a nightmare of my aunt's making.

With a heavy heart, I excused myself and retreated to the restroom to freshen up. The tears had left my eyes red and swollen, but I couldn't afford to show weakness. I returned to the kitchen, determined to complete the cooking I had started earlier, my mind a whirlwind of hopelessness and despair.

Hours passed, and the sun reached its zenith in the sky. I continued to prepare the Kabab Torsh, my hands moving mechanically while my thoughts remained locked in a never-ending loop of despair. I couldn't help but pray for something or someone to intervene, to stop this impending wedding that loomed over me like a dark cloud.

In the afternoon, just as the sun began its slow descent, there was a knock on the door. I wiped my hands on my apron and went to answer it, my heart heavy with the knowledge that my life was spiraling out of control.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by the sight of my dearest friend, Zahra, standing on the threshold. Her face bore a mix of excitement and sadness, her bags packed and ready for her journey to town. It was her last day in the village, and she was leaving to pursue her scholarship, a new chapter in her life.

In my room, Zahra and I sat, our silence heavy with the unspoken truths that bound us. I had confided in her about the terrifying encounter with Soheil, my voice shaking as I recounted the traumatic experience. Zahra listened with a mix of compassion and rage, her eyes reflecting genuine concern.

As I wiped away my tears, Zahra reached out, gently taking my hand in hers. Her comforting touch conveyed more support than words ever could. "I wish there was something more I could do, Yara," she said softly, her voice filled with sincerity.

I managed a weak smile, overwhelmed by gratitude for her presence. "Just having you here to talk to means the world to me, Zahra."

Zahra's grip on my hand tightened, and she leaned in closer, her voice a hushed whisper. "Yara, I spoke to my brother, and he mentioned seeing Soheil at a Shisha Lounge in town. There were girls dancing around him, and it didn't seem like the behavior of a man committed to a future marriage."

My heart sank at the revelation, and the disgust I felt toward Soheil deepened. I couldn't help but wonder if my fears about him were entirely justified. I shared the encounter I had with Soheil outside the store, tears once again welling up in my eyes as I described his predatory behavior.

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