Borrowed Time

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Borrowed Time

In life's complex scheme, time's the loan we receive,
a currency finite, we must carefully perceive.

For to borrow what we cannot give in return,
Is to play with a fire, from which we must discern.

Time's an intimate gift, a fleeting, priceless treasure,
To borrow without care is to court its lasting measure.

For each moment we spend, we cannot once retrieve,
So spend it wisely, for in that truth, we must believe.

To squander borrowed hours, a debt we can't repay,
Is to sow regret and sorrow along life's winding way.

So, cherish every second, every minute, every day,
For borrowed time is precious, in every way.

In this cosmic bank of existence, time's our only loan,
A debt we can't escape, in the end, it's known.

So, never borrow what you can't give back, they say,
For time is the currency of life, spend it well today. Borrowed Time. - P.

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