chapter two.

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Erica was in dreamland, yet dreamland with a throbbing pain in the side of her head, dreamland where the nightmare of what had happened came and overtook, causing her to wake up. her eyes fluttered open as she winced and slowly blinked to clear her fuzzy vision, it took her a few minutes but after those minutes passed, she was back to normal, looking around to see where she was. it was dark but there were spots of light around, not like they did much for her to be able to find out where she was. she sighed calmly, this wasn't the first time she had been kidnapped by rival gangs, this was just the first time it was interesting. she wasn't aware how long she had been out anyway, but she assumed it wasn't that long since she still felt the electric feeling in her bones from the fight. she shifted around a little, pulling at the ropes that tied her wrists together. she frowned and closed her eyes, bored out of her mind now.

She thought it was kind of sad at the fact she didn't get upset and or scared at being kidnapped now, it was so normal and had happened so many times to the point where she didn't give a shit. she shifted where she saw sat slightly, groaning and trying to stop her ass from getting numb from sitting on it for too long. she pulled her legs apart, to her surprise, they weren't tied together, she felt a smirk tugging at her lips as she used her lower body strength to help her stand. she rocked back and forth on her feet with dizziness washing over her for a few seconds before she returned back to normal. she quietly walked over to the spots of light coming through to see if there was anything sharp she could try to cut the rope with. Erica squinted, looking around and sighing when there was nothing, snapping her head around to the door she heard opening.

Erica quickly scurried into one of the darkest corners, hiding there to see who was coming in. she watched carefully, slowing her breathing and making it quieter than it normally was. A man walked in, he was a decent height and he looked young, he had a frown on his face as he walked in as if he was sulking about something. in his hand, he held a knife, in his pants there was a gun, she observed the situation, her mind processing the odds, they were very unlikely for her. The boy stood still when he looked at where she was originally tied up, his face twisting with confusion as his eyes darted around the room. Erica took a quiet deep breath and stepped out behind him, waiting for him to turn around before headbutting him hard, hard enough he fell to the floor, passed out.

She snickered at the fact he had dropped to the ground so easily, scrunching her nose up when she felt blood trickling down from it. she crouched down and turned herself around to grab the knife and blindly cut at the ropes. she winced when she felt the knife slice her skin, but she also wasn't too concerned about a cut. she moved the knife until she felt it against hard pressure, starting to rub it against the ropes and within seconds, her hand were free. she grinned and pulled them in front of her, turning around to face the knocked out boy, grabbing the gun from his pants and holding it tightly in her hand. she stood up straight and wiped her nose on her sleeve, only for fresh blood to drip again. she sighed and walked towards the door, she was ready to leave, ready to eat.

Erica pushed the door open, wincing when she heard it creak and swing on its hinges. she shut the door behind her and quietly walked up the stairs, holding the gun up in front of her with her finger hovering over the very tempting trigger. with a deep breath, she reached the top and turned the corner to find an empty room. her heart was beating faster than it had before, she had never felt like this whilst getting out of one of these situations, but like they said, modie was crazy like her, that made him unpredictable.

she checked behind her and something didn't sit right with her at the fact there was no one in the house, like they had expected her to escape. and then it suddenly clicked to her, she had just fallen for a trap, she cursed quietly to herself and just walked into another room, finding a singe person in there. Modie. she lowered the gun she was holding and threw it on the side, staring at the back of his head. he chuckled, as if he sensed her, as if he could feel her eyes burning a hole into the back of his head. he put his gun down on the counter as well, turning around to face her. he cocked his head to the side in a mocking way.

"oh beautiful baby, what did you do to your hand? and your nose, awh, princess, you're bleeding." he cooed and walked closer to her, wiping her face with his thumb and humming softly. she hummed and smiled sweetly, too sweetly to be genuine, and he knew that. she looked at her hand and shook her head and she shrugged her shoulders, staring innocently into his eyes.

"I'm just clumsy." she whispered, loud enough for only him to hear her, feeling pleased with herself when she saw his eye twitch slightly. she tutted and shook her head again, disappointed this time as she pushed modie back by placing her hand on his chest. she pushed him until he fell back into the chair, and ever so slowly, she sat down on his lap, running her hand down the sides of his neck and shoulders. he smirked again and licked his lips as he looked her up and down, his hand moving to rest on her hip.

"modie, modie, modie, you don't play very fair, do you? you cheat, knocking me out wasn't very nice. and i was really starting to like you." she murmured and let her hand travel back up, resting on his neck as she looked at him through her half lidded eyes. he stared right back up at her with a dangerous glint in his eye, his hand grasping her hip a little tighter as he pulled her a little closer at the same time.

"my bad angel, but, you were just too much fun to let go free. and if i let you go, i wouldn't have you warming my lap now would i?" he asked her and she felt herself let out a involuntary giggle, revoking one of her hands into her pocket to search for that knife she had earlier. Modie stretched his free hand behind him to slyly grab the knife from he counter, but not sly enough that she didn't see. she smirked to herself and shook her head in amusement, pulling her hand out of her pocket with nothing in it. she leaned in closer to his face, her eyes flickering down to his lips then back up to his eyes. she bit her lips before she pressed her lips against his, closing her eyes gently.

Erica had expected the kiss to be rougher, full on anger, but for some weird reason, she felt herself melting into the softness of it, the way their lips danced together slowly and passionately, the way his hand returned from the counter behind him to her hips, guiding them slowly and rolling them for her. she sensually sighed into his mouth before pulling away from him, her eyes opening quickly when she felt a sharp pain against her lower back. she arched her back and groaned, the feeling of something slicing her skin causing her to sharply suck in a breath. modie still remained with a smirk on his lips as he let the knife drop from his hand, a medium sized M left on her lower back, dripping blood down onto the floor.

she put on a grin to not seem weak as she lowered her head down to meet his gaze, cocking her head to the side and pouting.

"could have warned me baby." she whined and saw the fake sympathetic look on his face as he sighed and shook his head in some sort of fake apology towards her.

"my bad Erica, just way too tempting." he apologized and she just bit back another wince at the stinging pain, she wasn't even aware what he had done, she just assumed he had sliced her back open a little. he lifted her off him and stood behind her, pushing her into another room by holding her hips. he took her to a mirror, turning her around so she could see her back. Erica had to stop herself from choking on he own spit when she saw the M, but for some reason, she also felt a warmness inside her, she didn't know why. she smirked as he wiped the dripping blood with a wipe and cleaned his masterpiece up a bit. she hit him softly on the chest, he was toxic, bad for her, and she loved it more than anything in the entire world.

"how many girls got this then?" she said, faking her sudden jealously, and watching him laugh quietly, looking down at the floor before back up at her.

"just you babygirl, no one else." no one else, she liked the sound of that, she loved the sound of that too much to the point she forgot, she was meant to hate him.


ykkk i acc like this chapterrr, but anyways, opinions, comment and vote, love you guys a lot and as always, happy reading to you all.

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