i fell into a tall spotted masked girl for some reason i was wearing my illusin disc she then spoke
"woah little boy are you ok!?" her voice was loud and she sounded worried "" "woah what is with ur voice!?" ""(what is it why are you wearing spotted suit and mask) the girl backed up as a tall man with black hair and white eyes no pupil walked to her "who!?" the man cut her off "stay away from my son!?" he then tried to hit her
but a girl with ginger hair and green eyes wearing a mask covering her mouth and nose said "william leave the fucking girl alone dumbass" then a girl who looks like the girl said "mum you left mmeeeee" the man and the little girl is both british "m......u....m.......h........e.......l.....l.....o" "hello BV" the mom said picking up the boy