CHAPTER THREE; The first sparks

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The rain wouldn't really increase in speed but. It still would keep raining on our friends regardless.

Everyone was somewhat afraid to get even more wet from they already were.. Except for bonnie- which was jumping pond from pond not even a little afraid of getting wet-

Janet; " Bon! Pleasee, if you keep splashing the weather around your clothes you will catch cold! "

Bonnie; " Haha! Tag! You are IT! "

Little one said and touch the chest of her new friend, meg. Pushing it slightly before starting to run away from her towards the direction of their house, her arms open wide.

Meg; " H-Huh? What? I'm a What?! What I must do?.."

Max; " hahah. Just start chasing her silly! And touch her, Saying she's the it! "

The older sister said and laughed a little afterwards, wiping off the rain on her blue glasses.

Meg; " b-but why? "

Janet; " That's how the game is played. You touch the other person and they start chasing you afterwards. Come on. Give it a try. "

Meg looked at her own hand before raising it slightly and starting to ran after the slightly younger girl. As she ran away from her too. The older ones watch the two but slightly increasing their speed to catch up with them too.

Max; " Meg never really played those games, She was always inside watching videos, video games oh and you know. Hah.. My mom was doing her best to get her out to play but, even when she was successful she was running to a technology store and inspect the devices in it. "

Max said while rubbing her glasses seeing it has a slight crack on it. She'd put it on anyway.

Janet; " Ah? Well. Bonnie was always like this since I know her-.. She can't really hold back her energy. "

Max; " Hah. I bet your mom was running around to catch her when she was younger. "

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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