26. Ophelia

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I stare at the inmate listing on my laptop. Ryan's picture is on the screen. He was charged with domestic assault. Del showed this to me an hour ago and I can't seem to look away.

Holden did this for me. He turned Ryan in for me. I know it was him. Del didn't have to say anything to me.

I can't help but feel relieved that he is in jail. That I don't have to deal with him anymore. Hopefully he stays in there for a long time.

I shut my laptop and my heart races. I'm free. Holden saved me from ever having to deal with Ryan again.

Jumping out of bed, I pull on a pair of jeans and shove my feet in my shoes. I grab my keys and walk out of my room. I pull out my phone and text Holden.

Me: Meet me at the trestles.

I put my phone in my back pocket and slip out the front door. I smile as I walk to my car. I have my heart back.


The cool spring breeze lifts my hair around my face. The sun is setting in the sky. I take in the warm colors of the sun set. The beautiful reds, oranges, and purples.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out. It's Delphine.

"Hey," I say, looking out over the water.

"Where the hell are you, Phe?" she practically yells into the phone.

"I'm at the trestle bridge waiting for Holden," I sit down on the wood planks of the bridge.

"He is standing right next to me, Phe," she says quickly, "you need to get back to the apartment now."

I frown at my phone, "what? Why?"

Something rustles over her phone and Holden's voice rings through my ears, "he got released. Stay where you are. I'm coming to you."

"O-okay," I stutter.

My heart starts racing and I look around me. I'm too high up for anyone to see and the sun is almost past the horizon. So, it's starting to get dark.

"I'm coming, baby," Holden says.

I nod even though he can't see me.

"I-I texted you," I whisper.

"I left my phone at home," he says calmly, "I was in a hurry to get to you."

Movement on the end of the bridge makes me jump and I stare hard into the darkness. A silhouette stands on the tracks. I stand quickly and back up. Ryan slowly walks towards me.

"Ophelia," Holden says.

I don't answer. My voice is caught in my throat. I start to shake, and my eyes burn with tears.

Ryan's fists are clenched at his sides and his face is red with anger. A shaky breath escapes my lips. He smirks at me. An evil glint in his icy blue eyes.

"Hey, baby," he says.

He's almost an arm's length away and I can't seem to get my feet to move anymore. I want to run. To scream. But I can't.

Del gets on the phone, "Phe, what is happening?"

My fingers clinch my phone, "hurry."

Ryan rips the phone from my hands and tosses it into the river. I try to take a step back but my back hits the railing of the bridge. He reaches forward and grabs behind my neck. His lips smash into mine and I push my hands against his chest. Trying to push him away. He's too strong.

He releases my mouth, "you turned me in you little bitch." He shakes me. "Why would you fucking do that? I'm going to lose my job because of you."

I just shake my head and push him again, getting nowhere.

My back is pressed so hard into the railing that I am almost hanging off of it. I'm on my tip toes trying to keep my balance. Ryan's hand snakes around my throat and he squeezes. I let out a gasp, trying to drag in a breath. I grab his wrist and try to pull him away from me.

"Wanna know how I found you?" his blue eyes scan my face, "I've been tracking you, Phe. I told you; you could never get rid of me. You're mine."

My blood rushes into my ears and my lungs start to burn. I claw at his hand, my nails digging in. He doesn't release his hold. Black spots dance across my vision. My eyes roll. Just as I'm about to black out an arm wraps around Ryan's neck and pulls him off me.

I drop to the wooden planks and cough. I grasp my chest and suck in much needed air. I look up to see Holden throwing Ryan to the ground.

He stands between us with his fists clenched. Ryan stands and swings at Holden. I scream. Holden punches back contacting my ex's nose. He falls back.

Holden runs over to me and pulls me up from the ground and checks me over, "are you okay?"

I nod, looking over to Ryan writhing on the ground.

He laughs and stands up. Spinning around with his gun in his hand. He points it at me and smirks. I freeze.

"You dumb bitch," he walks towards us, "if I can't have you, then no one can."

A shot rings out and I squeeze my eyes shut. Holden grabs me and covers me with his body.

"Ophelia!" I hear a familiar voice behind me.

I spin around and see my dad standing there with his gun raised. I look towards Ryan and see a big red spot spread across his chest. I let out a sob and bury my face in Holden's chest. He holds me against him.

"Are you guys, okay?" My dad walks up to us.

I nod, "I am now."

Delphine runs over to us, and she pulls me into a hug, "are you okay? I called your dad."

"Thank you," I say to her, releasing her.

My dad walks over and assesses my neck, "you should head to the hospital."

His eyes are filled with guilt.

"Thank you, dad," I say to him.

"I'm sorry, Phe," he pulls me into a hug, "I should've listened to you."

He releases me and kisses my forehead.

"Take her to the hospital," he looks at Holden, "I'll take care of this."

I lift my head to look at Holden. He came and saved me. Freed me from the hell I was in. Ryan can't do anything to me anymore. 

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