Chapter 9 - Feelings

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3rd Person

guys im changing the song to boys dont cry cos thats like way more emotional and we love emotions <3

Will came padding down the stairs, now with a mixtape in his hand.

"Now what do I do?" He looked at them all expectingly.

"Just.. Play the music." Dustin shrugged, and Will raised his eyebrows.

"That's it?" Will looked around, ans everyone nodded.

"On full volume." Nancy spoke quickly, and Will found this odd but nodded anyway.

He put on the headphones and turned up the music to full volume, and clicked play.

Nancy heard a small hum of music and began speaking.

"Listen, Will does not have thong left. And we need to make sure nothing happens to him." She looked around, making sure everyone was listening.

"How do we even help?" Jonathan asked her, his hands shaking gently.

"Music is the only thing I can think of, but I just dont know if that will work." Nancy tried to think of something else, but she couldn't.

"El can help? Can't she?" Steve asked, and everyone looked at him.

"Yeah obviously but we cant guarantee that will work." Lucas snapped at him, remembering that El tried to save Max.

"God you're all so irritable." Steve scoffed, and Nancy was fed up.

"No, Steve. We aren't 'irritable' we are scared because a 15 year old boy is about to die! Do if you don't care then fuck off." Nancy fired, and Steve's eyes widened.

"Right sorry." He muttered, turning his head away.

Mike was listening to Nancy, and for some reason his heart shattered.

"A 15 year old boy is about to die!"

Mike looked up at Will, who was moving his head gently to the song, watching what was going on.

He smiled softly at Will, feeling his ears go hot.

Why did it get so hot in here all of a sudden.. - Mike fanned himself, wafting his shirt.

"Mike what the hell are you doing?" Nancy looked over at her brother, who's entire face was red and was currently removing his sweat shirt.

"What?" Mike's voice muffled as be wrestled with his clothing, trying to get it off of his head.

He heard Lucas and El giggle, and he finally pulled the jumper off of his head.

"Mike. Why the hell are you taking off your jumper? It's literally freezing." Nancy stared at him, and he looked up to see Will giggling.

Holy shit his smile - Mike thought to himself, getting even hotter.

"I think I'm having a heart attack." Mike muttered, turning away from Will.

"What?" Dustin giggled.

"Guys help oh my fuck I think I'm dying!" Mike felt his heart, and it felt normal.

"Wheeler, what the hell are you saying?" Robin raised an eyebrow at Mike, a small smile on her face.

"I don't know, ignore me." Mike mumbled, trying to figure out what was wrong.

"Mike what are you doing?" He heard a voice from above him, and he looked up and saw Will frowning at him.

"I- Uh.. You look- What?" Mike stuttered, blushing even worse.

"Are you sick?" He pressed his hand against Mike's cheek, forgetting there were other people in the room.

"U-Uh.. No?" Mike sounded unsure, his eyes glued to Will.

Everyone was staring at them, and Will turned to look at them.

"What?" He asked, looking at all of their grinning faces.

"Get your hand off of his cheek." Jonathan warned, death glaring Mike.

Mike grabbed Will's hand gently and moved it off, making Will giggle.

"Anyway. Will, music." Jonathan ordered, and Will huffed and turned it back on.

"Jonathan stop scaring the poor boy." Joyce scolded her son, and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." Jonathan sat back, and Nancy chuckled slightly.

"Anyway, what time is it?" Eleven spoke up, and Joyce looked at her watch.

"Uhh.. One thirty. Why?" Joyce responded.

"I'm hungry." She told Joyce, who chuckled slightly.

"I'll go make lunch, would you all like some pasta?" Joyce offered, and everyone nodded gratefully.

"Alright, it should be done in about half an hour." She smiled at them all, and left the basement.

Jonathan looked at Will, who was gently mouthing the words to the song and looking around Mike's basement, and he decided to test something.

"Will? Can you hear me?" He spoke, and Will didn't show any sign of hearing his older brother.

"Good. Mike come with me." Jonathan glared at Mike, who nodded promptly.

He dragged Mike up the stairs, catching Hopper and Joyce's attention.

"Mike. What is going on between you and Will?" He hissed, and Mike's face immediately turned bright red.

"Nothing!" Mike's voice cracked.

"Mike. I see how you look at my brother. And if you dare break his heart. I will skin you alive. And do not think that I'm joking. Beca-" Jonathan warned, before getting cut off.

"Jonathan! Stop it right now!" Joyce stormed over to them both, moving Jonathan's hand off of Mike's shoulders.

Mike looked over to see Hopper glaring at him, and he smiled weakly.

Hopper scoffed and scranned the rest of his toast, and Joyce scowled.

"Hop, that's disgusting." She walked back over to him, wiping the crumbs off of Hops face.

Hopper let out some muffled apology, and Jonathan turned back to Mike.

"Do. Not. Break his heart." Jonathan gave him one more stern look, before letting go of him and walking back down the basement stairs.

"..Okay then!"

hey yall sorry for the messy chapter 🤗 been trying not to kill myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{Word Count: 925}

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