Whats right? 💔

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"What makes you think WE can exist?!?!" Travis yells through sobs "I love you Sal but we can't exist, wr can't work. We're from different worlds." Sal chokes up "Travis please don't leave me we can make this work...- just please listen!!" Sal takes off his mask quickly and ran to hug him "talk to me" Sal says softly "please." Travis clenched his fists and softly said "get off me please." Sal backs up. Travis bloody,black, blue and bruised swollen eye visible, tears flowing from his eyes. Sal stared. He wanted to make everything better, something to know how he feels- how he dealt with it all and he wish he could. But he couldn't, he would never understand and he knew that.it was the hard truth. He wants to help him, to be better for him. Sal wouldn't give up tho. Travis sighed softly and spoke "I'm sorry Sal. I just-" Sal hugged him "don't apologize." Travis dig his nails into his back, sobbing and screaming. Sal rubbed his back in a circle then took off his sweater and gave it to him "there." He smiled the best he could. "I love you." Sal wiped Travis' tears. "We just have to communicate." Travis stood there, he didn't know how to communicate, let alone deal with his problems and emotions! "Okay." Travis responded next with "I'm gonna go practice." Travis walked off and sal let him not saying anything.

A/N: I actually wrote this in study hall and history class 🤯 I have another part to this I'll post later

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