2.Meeting God

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The two known as the Nightmare Duo kept massacring demons in the underworld. Creating chaos, drawing attention from the Primordial demons in the underworld.

Violet left Jaune after having fun with her partner after a few entertaining months.

Jaune could be described as Violet's best friend and rival instead of being enemies.

After leaving Jaune, Violet can be seen teleporting to the top of a mountain in the Cardinal World.

??? POV

The view really is beautiful from here, I can see the whole Cardinal World from this spot.

While I was admiring my beautiful creation of life, I could sense a being right behind me.

'Who is this? Is it the Primordial Demon? Just how powerful is this one...

I've actually expected someone to talk to me due to my omniscience, but I would've never guessed it to be Violet herself.

She looked childish and elegant at the same time, with violet hair tied into a side ponytail. She looked at me with her golden glowing eyes.

"What do you want, Violet?" I ask while still gazing upon the Cardinal World.

"I never thought I would meet you one day Veldanava-kun." Says Violet.

"Get to the point." I state knowing that she has some other objective.

"I just wanted to see you and ask some questions." Says Violet while she walks right besides me and sit down cross legged.

"So is it peaceful in the near future?" I ask since my omniscience cannot reach the future after my inevitable death sooner or later.

"Yes, very." Says Violet smiling, not with malicious intent or killing intent. But a smile full of happiness and joy.

"So what happens to Milim?" I ask with peaking curiosity.

"Milim joins the Demon Lords, being one of the strongest. Becomes the ruler of a nation. She also became my bestie." Violet says reminiscing with a smile.

"You better not try anything with her." I warned Violet.

"Don't worry." Violet replies.

"Oh yeah I forgot to ask, would you want me to change something major in the future for your desires?" Violet asks me with curiosity.

"Could you protect my family and save me and Lucia?" I asked while knowing full well that this was a very selfish request.

"There's no problem, after all I was the one who created you." States Violet shocking the creator for a second.

"I guess it explains how you're stronger than me then." Says Veldanava gazing upon the night starry sky with a bitter smile across his face.

"You want me to stay longer?" Asks Violet knowing the loneliness that I was feeling at the very moment.

"Do as you like." I say while looking at the night view.

Violet brings out a ham sandwich while holding another one.

"Want one?" She asks.

"Thanks." I say smiling.

Suddenly I could feel a fierce aura approaching. 'This must be Velzard.' I thought while munching on my sandwich. Violet turns her head towards the aura. 'It seems that she recognizes Velzard as well, they might have encountered before.'

"Nii-san!!" Shouts Velzard while running towards me with open arms signalling for a hug. I hugged her tightly while knowing that my fate might come very soon.

"It's nice to see you, Velzard." I say while smiling at her while closing my eyes.

"Hello." Says Violet while having her head turned towards Velzard while munching on her sandwich.

"Nii-san you never told me you had a girlfriend~" Teases Velzard while smiling towards Violet which did not reach her eyes. 'She really is scary.' I thought shivering at her scary smile.

"It's just a friend. It's just a friend." I reassured Velzard while having cold sweat dripping from my back, well it's not like I could actually sweat.

"Heh~ so what is a loli demon doing here?" Says Velzard while still having her scary smile.

She launches an icicle attack on Violet at the speed of light. Though such an attack wouldn't affect her. After all she had just said that she was my creator.


The icicle attack was blocked by Violet's multidimensional barrier. When the dust from the attack dissipated. Violet could be seen still chewing on her food.

"Kid, you need to learn some manners." Says Violet after swallowing her food and shaking her head in disappointment.

"So why is there a random demon here?" Asks Velzard cautiously eyeing Violet.

"I'm the Primordial Violet, and as for why I'm here, you could say I was chatting with your Big Bro." Violet says smiling.

"It's okay Velzard, she's my friend." I say reassuring Velzard while putting my hand on her shoulder calming her down.

"Hmph- I guess it's okay then." Velzard says while pouting and sitting beside me taking a bite from my sandwich with delight.

I introduced her to Violet and she was quite shocked. She couldn't fathom that a demon could be stronger than her. Well I left out the part where Violet was stronger than me or the actual creator of me, since it was Violet's idea not to draw too much attention for now.

The two girls had formed into nice friends where they could be equals. Velzard was quite happy having an actual friend for once, since she was the strongest, everyone would bow to her instead of being equals and friends. I was also relieved to see Velzard being so relaxed for once. I really am indebted to Violet for this one. Not only did she create me and my family, she also vowed to protect us, such a powerful being giving protection could only mean as a diving blessing.

"Well, it was nice to see you two. I have something entertaining to do so I'll see you guys next time." Says Violet before turning into thin air after teleporting away.

I gazed upon the sky being relieved that such a being protected us.

1000~ ish Words

Primordial Demon Violet RimuruWhere stories live. Discover now