6.Invitation and Discussion

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We were in a different dimension after Guy told us that he had an offer. I already know what this is, he thinks we're strong so if we become demon lords we can be used like pawns for his game against Rudra. So simple and so easy to read. I can't stand knowing this red headed demon Guy Crimson is the damn mediator appointed by Veldanava the Creator.

The dimension we are in was exactly the same as the one from Walpurgis, since this would be called that soon. 

We sat down on each of our thrones. Me to the opposite of Guy with Ramiris on his left and Milim on my left, while Velzard was sitting on my armchair. Velgrynd was sitting on the right side of the round table.

"Well I had an offer but we'll celebrate with a feast for now." Guy said, "Rain, bring out the food."

"At once, Guy-sama." Rain said with a bow in her maid uniform before going into the kitchen.

The food was pretty good, although not comparable to Shuna's food. The ones Shuna made were at least a few hundred times more delicious. 

I could already guess that this was a bribery method for us to join as demon lord's. Though, I don't mind the small gift.

"I like this food a lot." I said as my mouth was full of meat,"I have a few recipes to share, mind if I go to the kitchen?" I asked Guy hoping for an agreement.

"Very well. Rain bring her to the kitchen." Guy said while ushering Rain towards me.

I introduced Rain and Misery to the Japanese culture. I taught them how to make sashimi using the fish I stored in my imaginary space.

"This is so good!" Velzard exclaimed while eating sashimi while covering her mouth in surprise.

"This is called sashimi." I say in a proud tone.

"You really can do anything." Ramiris says while stuffing herself.

"Whahaha! It's so good noda!" Milim says while her face looked like a chipmunk with how much food she had in her mouth.

*Sigh* Guy sighed and didn't even comment. Though his mouth was also very stuffed, showing how much he liked it.

"This food is delicious." Says Velgrynd.

"Ultima-sama, your recipes are really fabulous. Where did you learn these?" Rain asks with curiousity.

"I learned them from another world when I traveled around." I replied.


This was the only reply that Guy could mutter.

"How do you travel between world's?" Milim asks me while tilting her head.

"Yes, I was about to ask about that as well." Ramiris countinued.

"I have a ultimate skill which has the subskill of 'Space Time Manipulation', so basically I can go where ever I want whenever I want. It's pretty cool if I do say so myself."


As I looked at Guy from across the table, his head was rested on the table while having a depressed look. Well nobody can blame him, two powerhouses from nowhere just beat his ass like nothing. 

"You're so strong noda!" Milim shouted.

"Ara~ that's surprising." Velzard says.

"Indeed." Velgrynd continues.

Guy raised his head remembering what he wanted to offer.

"Oh yeah I forgot! Do you want to become a Demon Lord?" Guy offers.

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