1- Cough drops

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(CW!! Smut)

Kellin had just finished preforming guest-vocals for Pierce the Veil's king for a day, leaving his throat absolutely destroyed, and Vic's probably was too.
They were both sat in Pierce the Veil's tour bus alone while Tony and Jaime left for catering.

"Augh.. my throat is killing me" Kellin coughed, his voice terribly hoarse, he looked up at Vic, who was sat on his bunk.
Kellin was sat on floor, his back firmly pressed against the wall.
Vic took a sip of his flat soda and smirked, "Oh, mine is Kellin me too." Vic laughed at his own joke.
"Oh shut up man.." Kellin coughed again, his throat was painfully hoarse and dry- he was not in the mood for Vic's stupid jokes right now.

Kellin stands up and slowly walks over to the small tour-bus-fridge and pulls it open with a frustrated yank. "Do you guys have any water..?" Kellin mumbled from across the bus. Yet as he glanced in the fridge, it was basically empty aside from a random jar of apple sauce and a carton of eggs- which seemed strangely fitting for the band to have on the bus.
"Nah, we don't have shit here. Maybe that's what you get for not going to catering with Jaime and Tony." Vic got up onto his feet and walked over to Kellin by the fridge and stood behind him, putting his arm around him as he drank the rest of his flat soda.
"Well-I just- do you at least have cough drops or something.?" Kellin roughly coughed once again, which made his throat hurt worse, he wasn't sure if he'd even be able to do his set with his own band tomorrow.
"I can look for some if you want." Vic took his arm off Kellin's shoulder and set us empty bottle of soda on the counter. Vic then opened one of the cabinets to look for some cough drops.
Kellin closed the fridge and his eyes happened to travel to Vic. Seeing Vic trying to search the high cabinet- he was so short, how could someone even be that short anyway?
The thought made Kellin's stomach flutter in a foreign yet very familiar feeling. "Huh..? Why does my stomach feel fluttery- I'm not nervous or anything.. am I?" Kellin though to himself.
Kellin swiftly looked away from Vic, his face flushing a light rose out of embarrassment.

After a few more minutes, there's no luck, not one cough drop or water bottle anywhere. Unless Kellin wanted suspicious apple sauce from the fridge, Kellin would have to find something else to sooth his sore throat.

Kellin groans in frustration and plops himself onto Vic's bunk, sitting on the end of it.
Vic grabs his bag and sits down next to Kellin, setting the heavy bag on the floor infront of his with a large thud.

Suddenly Vic's phone began to ring.
"Oh- uhm.. Kellin I have to take this, feel free to look through my bag for a water bottle- I remember I had one in there earlier." Vic hops onto his feet and swiftly walks to the other end of the bus to take his call.
That left Kellin all alone on Vic's bunk, staring at Vic's bag. It was a plain black backpack with a few colourful pins pinned to the front of it.
"Well I guess I'm supposed to open it, right..? I mean- my throat's on fire I need it anyways" Kellin thought to himself.

Kellin hesitantly unzips the bag and digs around in it, it was full of the typical tour things, snacks, a laptop, wet-wipes, and other knickknacks
Yet it still felt somewhat wrong to be digging in another person's bag, even though he had permission to.

Suddenly the sound of foot steps approach him, but before Kellin could react, Vic came tripping over a piece of paper on the floor

"Agh!" *Vic exclaimed as he tripped, landing directly on top of Kellin, his knees landing on either side of Kellin's thighs. Vic looked up at Kellin, his face- now just an inch away from Kellin's, grew hot.

Kellin looked straight at Vic blushing profusely, never in a million years would he have expected to be in this position with his best friend, nor did he expected to like it as much as he did.

The bus grew silent; neither of them could utter a word or move in this position. Kellin's face was on fire, and his stomach was fluttering like crazy.
"Why am I so... flustered..? Vic is just my bestfriend.. nothing more. I wonder if.. if Vic feels this way too." Kellin thought to himself, his heart going a million miles per hour.

After a few very long minutes, Vic pulls away and sits back, still blushing horribly. "S-Sorry. I didn't mean to-" Vic looks at his hand; it was resting gently upon Kellin's. Kellin's hand seemed to have some.. slippery substance on it and it had transferred to Vic's. Vic's eyes widened- like he knew exactly what it was, yet he tried to ignore for the time being.


"Vic.." Kellin looked up and muttered softly and shyly, his face was practically bright red.

"Y-Yeah, Kellin? What is it..?" Vic mumbled softly, he seemed to still be flustered from when he fell. His hand was still resting

"I kind of.. liked that.." Kellin blushed and muttered. "AGH! Why did I just say that? Kellin you fucking dumbass."

Vic's eyes widened slightly, but his face quickly grew into a teasing smirk as he slowly leaned back into the same position onto Kellin. "Oh? Can you say that again? I didn't hear you."

Kellin's heart skipped a beat as Vic's nose was barely close enough to touch his. "This cannot be happening right now?- am I dreaming..?" Kellin thought to himself.
"I-I kind of liked that.." Kellin stammered and stumbles over his words, making him even more embarrassed. Kellin was a flustered, nervous mess yet he didn't want this to ever end. "WHYYY DID I SAY THAT" he thought to himself.

Vic grinned mischievously as he firmly tightened his hand over Kellin's and brought it up to his face. "I must ask, what's on your hand Kellin?" Vic knew exactly what it was, lube.

Kellin noticed the slick liquid on his fingers. "The fuck..? This isn't- no it couldn't be." Kellin looked back into Vic's eyes, his face basically a tomato at this point.

Kellin suddenly felt the tip of Vic's tongue brush against the now-slicked side of his hand, his stomach jumped. "V-Vic.." Kellin involuntary mutters.

Vic looked up into Kellin's gentle blue eyes, grinning mischievously. "Mm, what is it Kells?" Vic's tongue gently glided on the surface of Kellin's skin.

"Ah- uhm.. nothing.." Kellin stammered, he couldn't form words- just a million thoughts as he felt Vic's tongue leaves a light coat of saliva.

Vic gently pulls his mouth from his hand and brings it to beneath Kellin's ear, "You know.. I've always thought you were pretty cute." His soft, warm breath caresses his neck as Vic plants his lips on Kellin's neck.

Kellin's breathing grows shaky as Vic brushes Kellin's dark hair behind his ear and begins to gently nibble and kiss on the sensitive flesh of Kellin's neck.
A quiet whimper escapes Kellin's lips, the mixture of slight pain from the bites and the pleasure from them began to grow unbearable for him.

Kellin felt the gentle yet firm pressure from Vic's slender hands as they glided down to Kellin's inner thigh- sending shivers down his spine. He was

Cough Drops // Kellic Where stories live. Discover now