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I laid down on the bed replaying what happened between Becky and I. Sex with Becky is electrifying but I couldn't help but worry about why she left in that manner.

It obviously wasn't because she hated the sex. It was evident from our moans that we both loved it, so why did she just leave like that?

Carmen didn't return that night, so I had the room all to myself but yet I couldn't sleep.

Thoughts of Becky keep floating in my mind all night long till the early hours of the next day.

That morning, I had an early class so I left before Carmen return. While in class I couldn't concentrate on the lecture because of Becky.

When classes for the day was over, I was conflicted between going to see Becky or not.

It isn't nice, the way we left things off so I wanted to talk to her but I don't know if she would want that or not.

I stepped off campus still deep in thought contemplating on whether to go see Becky or not. When Carmen stopped me.

She was almost out of breath. "What's going on? why are you running like you're being chased by a ghost or something?"

"That's not the question on ground Freen. The question on ground is "what's the deal with you and Becky?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Freen, It's just that I'm confused. last night, she came to see you right? And I thought maybe the both of you were trying to.. you know,  mend things between you.
So what's this news I'm hearing this morning?"

"What news? what are you talking about?"

I'm talking about Becky and that guy." Carmen replied but I still couldn't understand what she's saying.

"What guy? What are you talking about. Can you please explain things properly." I urged her.

"Okay I'm talking about Becky and her new lover" Carmen replied. I didn't believe her, thinking it's a joke.

"Wait! You didn't know?" She asked seeing how oblivious I am.

"Know what? what are you talking about? Becky and her new lover. What lover?" I asked still not catching the drill.

"I'm talking about Becky, Freen. It's all over social media.  This morning, Pictures of Becky and her new lover Lamon, have surfaced on Becky's Insta page.

I thought you knew about it. Wait what did you and Becky talk about last night then?" She asked but I still wasn't ready to believe what I just heard.

I hurriedly brought out my phone and went to Becky's Instagram page and confirmed my worse fear.

Pictures of Lamon and Becky flooded her Instagram page and they confirmed their relationship status with a video announcing that they are officially a couple.

They even kissed in the video and made playful gestures to further solidify their claims.

I stood there speechless. I didn't know what to do. Did last night really happen or did I imagine the whole thing?

Didn't she come to my dorm room?  Didn't we have sex? She promise me that it would be US against the world?

I almost shed tears while standing there. I put myself together and ran home before anyone else saw me in that condition.

The daughter of my bodyguard (Freen&Becky)Where stories live. Discover now