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I stayed up all night wondering how, why, when and seriously, what I saw in Becky to have dated her.

How did I manage to date someone as ruthless as Becky? No seriously. She treated me worse than any other student in Wellington Gold.

She embarrassed me in front of the entire School. Not even minding the fact that I was still recovering from the trauma and physical pain of being shot. And by the way, I got shot because of her.

I really don't understand. Honestly, what would make me date Becky is a mystery.

The doctor asked me not to think too hard but I seriously want to remember these past seven months because that's the only way I'd remember the threat, or blackmailed or whatever she had on me that made me date her.

I stayed up all night crying my eyes out from the embarrassment I felt and how no one not even the staff members did anything about me been maltreated.

They all just stood by and watched as Becky treated me like a gutter trash.

I didn't have any sleep and I had to wake up really early. Actually I didn't wake up because I didn't sleep in the first place.

Class starts by 10am and I needed to go see Becky first. Of course, I had to go see her. If I don't,  she'll just come back at me harder. 

I went out of campus to the porch side of town to see Becky. Obviously, the rich don't live within campus hostels.

Where they call their hostels are huge well furniture houses outside campus.

Don't get me wrong, Wellington Gold is for the rich but Becky's level of wealth makes others seem poor.


I went to Becky's house and knocked on the door. Before realizing that I went there without asking for the address first.

I went to her house without asking for directions like I already knew the place. It looked so familiar like I've been to the house before.

While I stood there deep in thought, the door opened. It was her bodyguard. Not my father though.

"Good morning sir, I'm here to see Miss Lawd"

"Come in" he said, directing me into the house.  He asked me to wait while he went in to call Becky.

This is the first time that I felt like seven months of my life was really missing. "Kitchen" I said out loud and went to the kitchen. I went to the guest room, the servants room and even Becky's room.

I knew every inch and corner of the house yet I don't remember being in the house. I came back to the living room looking around as everything seemed so familiar but yet so different to me.

It looks like a place that I've lived in but never been to before. "How is this possible?" I thought out loud

"Hey" I hear Becky say almost in a whisper which snapped me out of my thoughts

"Good morning Miss Lawd" I said bowing down my head.

"Don't be so formal Freen. Have a seat." She said nicely. I was reluctant but I sat down. She sat down on the sofa next to mine.

"I know you came because of what happened yesterday. But before you say anything, I want to apologize. I didn't mean anything I said yesterday and I'm sorry for the disgrace I put you through.

It was necessary for me to do that, I guess to prove my worth as Wellington Queen. It hurt me to do that to you and I'm really sorry."

I looked at her In shock. Is this a prank?  Is she not Becky Lawd?

Wait! What's going on here? Am I hearing opposites now? Because I can't even picture Becky and the word "SORRY" in the same sentence.

"Miss Lawd,  I should be the one apologizing. You were kind to me and I sho.."

"Please Freen, I know that you don't remember us being together but please don't be so cold towards me. It hurts me really bad.

I know that things will probably never go back to the way they were but please Freen, don't see me as a bad person or an enemy.

It will kill me. It's already eating me up inside. I feel so empty without you in my life but to protect you from my father, and making sure that what happened to you never repeats itself again, I've decided to stay away from you.

But I can't help but feel sad that you're no longer next to me. Freen I miss you alot. I know it won't be like before but your eyes.

Those looks, they hurts me. The coldness and hatred in your eyes when you look at me, I can't bear it.

I understand where you're coming from, honestly I do. if I also lost my memories and someone told me that we were a couple, I won't believe but you saw the pictures too.

You know it's true. Freen it really hurts so please, just give me the benefit of the doubt. You're a nice person and you dated me.

Do you really think I'm really that bad?" Becky said as she almost broke down in tears

"But yesterday you..."

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I was just protecting my territory and I'm apologizing for embarrassing and hurting you.

Freen please I need you to please see me as a good person. If that's too hard, just see me as a person not a hateful lunatic. Freen please, please I'm begging you"

"Was I really your girlfriend?" I asked when I finally found my voice. Now, when she talks like this, I can picture myself dating her. But this is not the Becky I know.

The "BECKY LAWD" I know never apologizes. The word "SORRY" isn't found in her vocabulary.

I watched as she moved her pupils around as if she was thinking. She was deep in thought and soon turned to stared at me without saying a word.

"I need to get ready for school" she said as she stood up and hurriedly walked  away not answering my question.

On her way up the stares, she turn to me " Freen I'm really sorry about yesterday." She said before going upstairs. I got up and left to prepare for school also.

For some reason, I already forgot about what she did yesterday. What she just did is way more surprising than her yesterday's stunt.

But why didn't she answer my question? Everybody keeps saying that we are or rather we were a couple and when I finally ask her If I was her girlfriend, she just bolted away without answering me.

To be continued...

The daughter of my bodyguard (Freen&Becky)Where stories live. Discover now