34. I want him

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I missed you guys :)

Jungkook stirred in his sleep as the bright light disturbed his peaceful slumber.His heavy eye lids refused to open as his pretty features twisted at the mild pain inside his head.Seems like he was unusually sleeping for a really long time.

With his still closed eyes Jungkook's hands instinctively moved along his left side of the bed, searching for a tiny figure.But when he couldn't find it anywhere near him, a wave of panic surged in him that he shot open his eyes the next moment only to find himself being alone in that bed.

But before he could lost his calm, his ears caught the breathless giggles of his son as his dread filled eyes soon turned to the far corner of the room, to get met with the sight of his baby all safe and happy in his dadda's arms who was busy munching on the chubby cheeks of the lil hooman making loud nom nom noise leaving his son a laughing stock, as his baby hands tried to push his father away weakly.

Jungkook's uneven breaths came back to normal as he felt his raging heart suddenly filling with warmth, unknowingly his lips stretching to form a fond smile,  as his eyes forget to blink, not wanting to miss any of that endearing sight of the father son duo, who were totally busy in their own lil world.

But what made Jungkook feel the sting of tears in his eyes is the wide smile adorning the father and son's face.Their lips stretched to form the same boxy shape, forming the similar boxy grin.They looked so happy together.Oh how much Jungkook yearned to see that sight!How much he missed this! He needed nothing more but to stare at that sight for the rest of his life.He is ready to die if it takes to keep them this happy like this forever.This two humans have his entire heart in their smile.

Jungkook was too lost into the heart warming sight that he didn't notice Yoongi entering inside the room.

"Koo, baby you're up? How are you feeling now?" Yoongi who just got inside the room, skipped his ways to the bed as soon as he found Jungkook already up.

The man's worry filled voice earned the father and son's attention to them as Yoongi sat beside Jungkook, his palms cupping Jungkook's face in them gently.

"I'm alright hyung." Jungkook said with a small smile earning a not so satisfied response from the latter.

"You sure baby? You don't have any headache? Also you're not feeling dizzy right?" Yoongi asked to confirm earning a head shook from Jungkook.

"No hyung! I'm perfectly fine" Jungkook assured and Yoongi sighed in relief as he leaned to place a quick peck on Jungkook's forehead who closed his eyes at the warmth.

"Mamma~" their lil interaction was distracted by gukkie's excited yell as the lil one wiggled out of Taehyung's hold to ran to the bed before climbing on it with the help of Yoongi, only to jump onto Jungkook's lap, who wrapped his arms around his baby's tiny figure, hugging him tight.

"Mamma okie?" Taegguk asked breaking the hug as he cupped Jungkook's cheeks with his small chubby palms, copying what his yoonie appa just did.

Jungkook smiled at the serious looking lil hooman staring at him with his wide doe eyes, before he nodded his head in response.

"Yes I'm okay baby" he replied only for gukk to squint his eyes at him.

"No headache? No dizzy?" He repeated Yoongi's word with much difficulty earning a chuckle from yoongi as he ruffled the lil one's hairs fondly.

Jungkook smiled wide shaking his head.

"No headache and no dizzy.Mamma is all fine" Jungkook replied booping his button nose with the exact same lil button nose of his son who scrunched his nose adorably at that earning a kiss from his mamma on his cheeks for being too cute in the early morning.

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