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third pov :: baek eunju

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third pov :: baek eunju

Sitting on one of the tables that faced out of the windows of the shop, the only sound that could be heard between Sunghoon and Eunju was the slurping of their ramen and the constant talking of Eunju.

They sat peacefully and comfortably, with Eunju's stuffed penguin laying to the side of them as she ranted about the double date and Sunghoon quietly listened, nodding his head every now and then to show he was acknowledging what she was saying.

"You saw Heeseung talk to me at the end, right? It was such a great feeling, Sunghoon, honestly." She stated with sparks in her eyes. "And Sarang seems... nice."

"Don't force yourself." Sunghoon huffed out a chuckle, as he put his chopsticks down to take a sip of his drink.

"Hm?" Eunju raised a brow and put a mouthful of noodles into her mouth.

"Don't force yourself to like Sarang. I know you and I know her. Me and you are similar, she can get too much. Especially when she's full on like she was today." He shrugged and Eunju remained silent as she nodded her head in agreement.

"Sunghoon," She hesitantly called out, debating on wether it would be appropriate to ask him the question she had at the tip of her tongue.

The boy turned his head to give her his full attention; curiosity written in his eyes as he waited.

"How did you and Heejin start dating?" Eunju eventually asked and she could quickly see a look of dejection appear on his features, causing her to feel instant regret.

Had she taken a step too far?

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me — I was just curious —"

"No, it's okay." He shook his head. "We're doing this whole fake dating thing partly because of our relationship — It's okay to be curious." He reassured once seeing the panic in her brown eyes and he let out a breathy chuckle.

"We started dating at the start of tenth grade. I wasn't in a good place. My grades were bad, my parents were on my back about them, I was causing arguments with the people I was closest to, and I didn't see a point to anything, really." He sighed. "Heejin was there, and I guess we grew close somehow, I dont know how I tolerated her — but I did. One thing led to another, I wasn't thinking properly and we slept together. She wanted a relationship out of it, and me being in the state I was in, I just agreed." Sunghoon finished with a simple shrug and continued eating his food.

Eunju sat silently as she took in the information. She hadn't expected Sunghoon to tell her about that side of him and she really appreciated it.

"That's why I took what you said about the fake dating thing into account. I just have to get away from her. She's so suffocating." He explained and Eunju nodded in understanding. "And I'm happy you agreed. Recently, I've changed for the better. I'm more happy and actually see a point to things and I know that's because I don't have Heejin bothering me, and I'm with you instead."

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