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third pov :: baek eunju

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third pov :: baek eunju

Eunju's sobs were abruptly interrupted by the sound of annoyed groans coming from the cluster of broken school desks.

The girl almost gasped with shock as she soon realized she wasn't alone. Her eyebrows furrow and she slowly inched forward towards the desks, where her eyes soon landed on Park Sunghoon.

He was sitting at the end of a row of desks, making it known that he was once laying across them. He had one headphone in his ear, while the other was in his hand and beside him was a closed journal that had his name tidily written on and a few pencils neatly placed beside the book.

Sunghoon made it obvious that Eunju had disturbed his alone time as he held a scowl on his features.

"Do you mind doing your crying elsewhere?" He lowly questioned, and a frown became apparent on Eunju's face.

"I wasn't crying." She shook her head, speaking an obvious lie.

Sunghoon's brown eyes danced around Eunju's face as he took in her rather puffy eyes and faintly tinted cheeks. Her under eyes were slightly damp and her heart shaped lips were becoming a cherry red due to her biting harshly down on them to contain her sobs.

Sunghoon kissed his teeth and nodded his head slightly, not believing the girl. "It's not right to lie." He stated as he got himself up from the desk and began packing his belongings away in his backpack.

"It's just allergies." Eunju attempted to redeem herself as she watched him. She couldn't help but notice how elegant and calmly he tidied his area, but before she could get too distracted by his elegance, she shook her head slightly and sighed.

"Why am I even explaining myself to you?" She quietly asked herself.

Sunghoon didn't seem to pay much attention to the short girl as he swung  his bag over his shoulder and silently walked passed her and opened the roof doors before leaving Eunju alone.

The sun had set as Eunju tiredly entered her bedroom.

Since coming home, the girl had prepared dinner for her and her two younger siblings, before bathing her four year old sister and putting her to bed.

Eunju sat herself down at her desk and pulled out her textbooks. The stress of the end of year exam was getting to her, and there was nothing more she wanted to do than revise.

The sound of pages flicking and the pencil scribbling on paper echoed throughout the girls bedroom as she felt her eyes begin to shut against her will.

After a few hours, Eunju had given into her fatigue and gotten ready for bed, before laying under the covers.

The silence that once ran throughout the home was interrupted by the noise of the front door opening and the sound of her mother tiredly making her way upstairs.

Her mother softly tapped on Eunju's door and muttered a 'Goodnight', before entering her own room and Eunju's eyes eventually shut for the night.


➴ a short chapter, but I promise they will eventually get longer!

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a short chapter, but I promise they will eventually get longer!

only girl. | park sunghoon ✓Where stories live. Discover now