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she was always the love of his life. ever since they were 6 years old , Pedri knew that he would marry this girl one day.

a smile graced his lips as he watched her sway and dance around the garden that was filled with daisies — her favourite flowers.

her eyes were beautiful. it was his favourite shade of blue. her honey brown hair glistened in the sun as the top half was tied up with a red ribbon. the curls were hanging loosely on her back and the white sundress complimented her porcelain skin.

"look Pepi" she said excitedly as she pointed to a flower. he walked closer to her and his brown eyes landed on a blue butterfly. he knew about Lacy's obsession with the small little creatures. it's like she was amazed by them everytime she saw them.

he reached his hand forward , but felt Lacy's hand slap on them. "you'll scare it away" she said with a pointed look. he watched as the stern expression melted off of her face as her attention was drawn back to the little creature.

"oh, there it goes" she said and he looked up , watching as the insect went up into the blue sky. he saw a hint of sadness and admiration in Lacy's eyes.

Lacy Hernandez had the type of beauty that people would stand still for. she was still an innocent little girl so she wouldn't recognise the admiral looks she got from women and young girls.

she was straight out of a fairytale book.

it was like she was too beautiful to be on this earth.

atleast that's what Pedri thought.

if you saw Lacy's mother — Aurelia , then you would know exactly where her beautiful looks come from. the woman stood on the porch as her blue eyes scanned around , in search for the children.

"Lacy! Pedri! come eat" she said, making them look up. they had played all day in the garden , so the thought of food slipped their minds. they could feel themselves become hungry as Aurelia mentioned eating.

Lacy grabbed Pedri's forearm and they ran to the patio , where Aurelia stood. she gave them a look. "and where were you two all day?" she asked them and Pedri smiled.

"chasing mariposas" he replied and Aurelia smiled. she knew it was Lacy's idea , since the little girl absolutely adored the little insects. "okay , come on. the pie will get cold"

upon entering the cute house , they both took their shoes off and decided to walk barefoot into the house.

immediately , the aroma of fresh chicken pie filled the two's nostrils and they hastily walked to the dining room , where Lacy's father — Alessio , sat.

he smiled upon seeing them. "there you guys are. let me guess , you guys were chasing the butterflies?" he guessed and earned two head nods.

Aurelia put the pie in the middle and they all said a prayer , thanking for the food that was put on the table. immediately, they began to dig into their food.

Pedri was like Aurelia and Alessio's own son. Pedri's mother — Rosy was at work and Fernando was at big school , which resulted in him staying with the Hernandez family until either one of them came home.

Rosy and Aurelia were best friends — despite their age difference. they always got along and helped each other , so when Rosy asked the two if Pedri could stay there until she came home , Aurelia and Alessio didn't think twice.

he was a smart boy , a good kid and Alessio had learnt a thing or two about football from him.

Pedri and Lacy quietly ate their food , not speaking a word while the adults talked about their usual talks.

"do you guys have homework?" Alessio asked after a while when they finsihed eating. the two shook their heads and the man raised an eyebrow. "you sure?" he earned head nods in return.

he sighed and kissed the top of both of their heads. "okay then" he said. the two jumped off of the chairs as Aurelia was stacking the plates ontop of one another.

Lacy got out a coloring book and some crayons , neatly placing it infront of them. Pedri got one of a football and Lacy got one of a butterfly.

they coloured in silence. the only sounds were those of the crayons on the paper and the rustling of the fire which was keeping the house warm.

then there was the sound of the doorbell. "Rosy , hi" Aurelia said and Rosy greeted both of them. "i hope he was good today" Rosy said and the two stood up from their seats on the carpet.

Alessio smiled. "good as always" Pedri ran to his mom and hugged her. Aurelia handed Rosy another bowl filled with the chicken pie they had earlier. "i figured that you would be too tired to prepare food"

Rosy gratefully took the bowl out of the younger woman's hands. "you're too sweet" she kissed Aurelia's cheek. "always"

"are you going to leave now?" Lacy asked with a cute pout as she stared at her best friend who was now at his mother's side. he nodded his head. "i'll come by tomorrow"

she smiled and they hugged.

"i love you , Pepi"

"i love you , Lace"


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