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it was cold outside. Pedri shivered as he pulled his coat closer to his body and gripped his bag closer to him. there was a cold wind flowing around in Barcelona. it's never this cold in the day , only in night time. that pissed him off.

he had drove with his teammates — Gavi and Ferran to the hotel where they will stay. this has become a routine for every footballer.

every night before a game —big or small , they would each be put in their own hotel room , to get the necessary sleep they need. they didn't need any distractions keeping them awake.

"fuck" Gavi said as soon as the cold , sharp wind hit him smack in the face. he could feel the stinging from the ice cold wind. "can you hurry up?" he asked , throwing a look over his shoulder as he looked at Ferran.

the boy rolled his eyes at Gavi's dramatic antics and locked the car behind them. all three of them hurried inside of the hotel , seeking for instant warmth.

they met the rest of the players inside of the hotel. they were all in different kinds of conversations, smiling once the final three entered the hotel. "jesus, what took you so long?" João Felix asked as he raised a brow.

"blame Ferran." Gavi said , pointing to Ferran and the older boy showed him the middle finger. Pedri just rolled his eyes and shook his head at the two. there wasn't a normal encounter between them.

all he wanted , was his bed.

and her.

thankfully , Xavi walked around the corner with the other coaches and staff. he had on his usual clothes , making Pedri wonder if the man ever got cold.

"okay, so...first thing tomorrow morning," Xavi started. he began telling them the time and what happens after. basically everything he tells them before any match.

"and most important — no women" Xavi said with a look , causing them all to snicker. no women should be allowed with them , seeing as they needed no distractions for the night.

they needed a full night's sleep and have to be fresh and ready for the game tomorrow morning first thing.

everybody nodded and they got their keycards, each heading to their own hotel room. Pedri was om the same floor as Gavi , Ansu , Jules and Robert.

he just listened to them talk as he made his way to his hotel room. with each step he took , he grew more nervous — and for what? he didn't know. but he might have a suspiscion.

oh , how he wished his suspicion would be accurate.

"buenos noches" Pedri said , looking at them as he reached his door. they all bid each other goodnight before entering their own rooms.

Pedri locked the door behind him and his hand ran up and down the smooth walls , in search for a light switch.

the light brightened up the entire room and almost instantly, Pedri smiled. his eyes were on the bed and his heartbeat quickened.

there , the most beautiful woman sat in the bed.

she had her honey brown hair in a high loose bun and round glasses on her nose. in her perfectly manicured nails was a book.

she looked up at the sight of him. a beautiful smile graced her lips. Pedri let his bag fell on the floor. almost instantly, he became warmer.

"hola" her voice was soft. so soft and beautiful that it made him want to cry — for what reason? he didn't want to know. "hola mi amor"

he walked closer to her and took his coat off , before pecking her forehead. he sat on the bed. "you know , Xavi will freak out if he sees me in here" Lacy said with a sheepish smile.

"i doubt he will"

he pecked her cheek , feeling that she was ice cold and his eyebrows furrowed. "damn , why are you so cold? didn't you put the heater on?" he asked , standing up from the bed and walking over to the heater — seeing that it was indeed off.

"i forgot" Lacy said with a smile. she closed the book and put it on the nightstand  Pedri turned the heater on and raised an eyebrow.

"and why were you reading in the dark? how?" he asked her , taking off his clothes that he had on this whole time.

he rummaged through his bag to get out some comfortable clothes , which consisted of some sweatpants and a t shirt.

Lacy shrugged. "i just can" she answered and he walked to the bathroom , flicking the lights on. Lacy stepped onto the carpeted floor and stood in the doorway, while she watched as Pedri brushed his teeth.

"how was training?" she asked him , walking closer to him and sitting on the closed lid of the toilet. Pedri spit and shrugged. "the usual. very cold , though" he spoke.

Lacy hummed and he rinsed his mouth and washed his toothbrush. her finger nails tapped on the closed toilet seat. "are you hungry?" he asked after a while.

she shook her head. "not really" she spoke and he hummed , nodding his head. after he was done, he turned to her. "come on , let's go sleep. i have an important game tomorrow"

the brunette nodded and smiled , exposing her cute dimples. he poked them and led her to the bed. he watched as she slid her legs under the covers and he did so aswell.

he kissed her goodnight on her forehead and turned his back to her , putting the lights off. he felt her head on his back and her cold fingertips on his arm.

"i went to visit mama and papa today." she spoke out loud. Pedri hummed. "how are they?" his voice was deep and he was talking a bit slowly , which indicated that he was getting very sleepy.

"great. they just miss us" she shrugged. his eye lids drooped low and he hummed once again. Lacy placed her lips against his warm cheek. "buenos noches, mi amor"

Pedri was so tired from today's events and training.

he was so tired that he couldn't think straight.

he was so tired that he couldn't ask her how she managed to visit her parents earlier.

he was so tired that he couldn't talk her about how impossible it was for her to do that in such little time,

especially since they lived all the way in America.


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