☆19. Chapter 19 Son-in-law Alpha (19)

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Chapter 19 Son-in-law Alpha (19)

Director Jin was confused when he heard Mr. Sun say that this research and development result did not belong to him, "Mr. Sun, what do you mean by this?"

Mr. Sun smiled and said: "This was sent to my mailbox by an unknown person."

"Unknown person?!" Director Jin's voice was louder by several decibels in shock.

Mr. Sun raised his hand and rubbed his chin, "It is indeed an unknown person. He directly sent a complete set of intelligent robot algorithms to my mailbox. This set of algorithms includes image processing algorithms, path planning algorithms, and target detection. Algorithms and deep learning algorithms, etc., I took a quick look at it and felt that this algorithm was very feasible."

Director Jin became anxious when he heard this, "Then you didn't ask who he was at the time?"

"I did at the time. Asked him who he was, but he didn't tell me. Let me experiment with the feasibility of the algorithm first. I want to know who he is more than you do, so I asked my assistant to call you over as soon as I finished testing the robot. If you ask someone to track down who he is, you will know exactly who he is."

After the joy, there was worry. Director Jin has always been cautious in doing things. He said worriedly: "Mr. Sun, do you think this could be the case? Trap?"

Mr. Sun smiled, "Then I hope there are more 'traps', the better. I can guarantee that the current technology of Country R and Country M is not up to this level. They handed it to us directly. He has submitted a 'certificate of submission' and is waiting for us to pick him up."

Director Jin asked doubtfully, "Mr. Sun, how could you tell that he was handing in a 'certificate of submission'?" "

The name of his account It's called a 'letter of investment'. It's just expressed in code, so you can't understand it. This guy is really interesting." Mr. Ye is a network security research

expert in the institute, and Director Jin called him over.

When Ye Laoyi saw the name of the account, he also smiled, "This person's name is quite interesting."

Director Jin just reported the situation to the leaders, and the instructions given by the leaders were that this person must be found.

Director Jin was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. "Mr. Ye, now is not the time to talk about this. The sooner we find this person, the sooner we can make progress in robot research." Mr. Sun was beside him

. He nodded in agreement, "If we can find this person, the relevant information he has will make a huge progress in our country's robot research."

Mr. Ye looked calm, moved his hands quickly, and said after a while: "It's done, the person was found."

Director Jin asked in shock: "You found it so quickly?"

Mr. Ye smiled, "They were afraid that we wouldn't find it, so they left us a lot of clues. What if we still found it?" If he can't find it, wouldn't we be fools? Don't worry, he is probably waiting for us to come to him."

After Director Jin learned the address, he immediately reported it to his superiors.

It was already dark at this time. In order to avoid a long night and many dreams, the superiors decided to take action immediately.


When Ye Laoyi tracked Ning Chen's location, Ning Chen discovered it.

Taking into account that they did not know whether the other party was an enemy or a friend, for the sake of caution, the leaders from above also assigned some security personnel to Director Jin for this operation.

A large number of operatives were heavily armed and surrounded the villa watertight.

"Captain, there are only two people in the villa, a middle-aged woman and a young man. It is estimated that the targets are both in the living room at this moment. No weapons of mass destruction have been found." Director Jin said to the leader wearing a mask:

" Captain Xiao, can we be polite first and then attack, after all, this is probably our precious and cherished important scientific research talent." Captain Xiao

agreed with Director Jin's suggestion.

"Ding dong."

Mrs. Chen heard the doorbell and walked over to open the door, muttering: "Mr. Ning is really amazing. He just guessed that someone is coming." The door of the villa is

not thick, and the gold outside the door is The director and Captain Xiao naturally heard what Mrs. Chen said. After the two looked at each other, they both felt that this so-called "Mr. Ning" was probably the person they were looking for.

After Mrs. Chen opened the door, she saw Captain Xiao with a loaded gun in front of him and a large group of people holding weapons and equipment and wearing masks behind him. She was so frightened that she asked, "What... what are you... going to do?" Captain Xiao quickly took out his hand

. He took his ID and showed it in front of Mrs. Chen, "Hello, we are from the xx department. Please cooperate with the investigation."

Mrs. Chen had never seen such a battle in most of her life, so how could she dare to stop them.

Ning Chen looked calm about their appearance, and even invited Captain Xiao and Director Jin to sit down and drink tea.

Seeing that Ning Chen was not dangerous, Captain Xiao and Director Jin sat down naturally.

As soon as he sat down, Director Jin couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Ning, are you the one who 'submitted a certificate of fame'?"

Ning Chen nodded.

Director Jin hurriedly asked: "Did you develop the algorithm you sent to Mr. Sun yourself or did you get it from someone else?"

Director Jin didn't believe that such a young man could independently develop it on his own. With this advanced algorithm, he is more inclined to believe that there is an expert guiding him behind it.

It was obvious that Director Jin didn't trust him, but Ning Chen didn't care. He said: "I independently researched that algorithm, but it is only a semi-finished product. It can be improved."

Director Jin became anxious when he heard this. The robot he saw today could only be considered a semi-finished product? So how amazing will the finished product really be?

He couldn't wait to ask: "What about the complete algorithm?"

Ning Chen said calmly: "This is confidential. Only those who have signed an employment relationship with me are qualified to know."

Director Jin: "... ..."

Mr. Sun could hear the whole situation at the institute from Director Jin's side. He immediately instructed Director Jin: "Xiao Jin, bring Mr. Ning to the research institute."

After listening to Mr. Sun's instructions, Director Jin said: "Mr. Ning, could you please come with us to the research institute?" "?"

Considering the confidentiality of this matter, Director Jin and others also decided to take Mrs. Chen back to the research institute.

Just when everyone was about to go out, a "blocker" appeared.

The author has something to say: Hahaha, Gugu has brought a new problem to the babies.

Guess who the "stumbling block" is, I gave you a hint in the previous article!

If the number of people who answer correctly this time exceeds 8, there is a chance to trigger extra weekend rewards (deadline is 12 noon tomorrow)


PS: Today is still a day where I hope you all will collect comments and collect comments. Show your love to the big babies

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