☆ 76. Chapter 76 Neptune's God of Study & School Bastard (24)

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Chapter 76: Neptune's Academic God & Scumbag School Bully (24)

After the dean made an investigation, he couldn't help but sigh in annoyance. This person was so cautious in doing things, as slippery as a loach. Thinking that Father Lin had specifically told the principal to give an explanation for this matter before he left, the dean couldn't help scratching the hair on his head in annoyance.

After Ning Chen returned to the classroom, he kept messing around with his cell phone. After a while, he suddenly handed the phone to Lin Yu and motioned Lin Yu to look at the phone.

"The whole thing was planned by Yuan Minmin. I have sent all the evidence I found to the email address of the dean."

Lin Yu looked at the irrefutable evidence on his phone, frowned and said: "Achen, Please send me a piece of evidence by the way, I will use it."

When the dean was worrying about how to conduct a follow-up investigation on this matter, a letter reminder suddenly popped up in his mailbox.

The dean opened the email in confusion, who is this? Why didn't he send the email without mentioning his name?

Seeing the clear evidence listed in the email, the dean immediately called Yuan Minmin to the office angrily.

When Yuan Minmin heard the dean calling her to go to the office, her heart suddenly jumped up and down.

She tried to calm down and pretended to be calm, but when she saw the evidence presented by the dean, she was so frightened that her face immediately turned pale.

Seeing Yuan Minmin's reaction, the dean's face darkened with anger, "Yuan Minmin, what good can you get from doing this? You just took pictures, but you actually posted them on the bulletin board and the school forum, you know How big is the negative impact of what you did? If Ning Chen hadn't been able to explain it clearly, wouldn't the school have misunderstood these two students?" Hearing the dean say that

Ning Chen and Lin Yu were innocent, Yuan Minmin pulled a His face was gloomy.

She looked so ugly that she defended herself and said: "I'm sorry, teacher. I didn't expect this matter to be such a big deal. When I took this photo, I also misunderstood their relationship because of the angle. I It’s not intentional.”

The dean has worked in the school for so many years and has met many students. Although Yuan Minmin was sincere in admitting his mistake, he could tell at a glance that the student was lying. But Yuan Minmin insisted that she did it unintentionally, and the dean had no choice but to accept this statement, but he had some opinions about this student in his heart.

The dean had just sent someone to call Ning Chen and Lin Yu. When he saw the two of them arriving in the office, he said to Yuan Minmin who was standing aside: "Although you said you were unintentional, you did make a mistake. To this person These two classmates have brought negative impact. You sincerely apologize to them. Be more cautious in your actions in the future. Seeing as this matter has not caused serious negative impact, I will not give you a demerit this time." I heard

. She wanted to apologize to them, but Yuan Minmin was so angry that her fingertips dug into the flesh of her palms. The two of them were obviously together, so why did she actually have to apologize to them.

Seeing that Yuan Minmin was still lingering and refusing to speak, the dean became cold and said, "What's wrong with you, student? Why do you need to apologize when you make a mistake? If you don't want to apologize, then I'll just write it down for you." But, this saves trouble."

The dean did not expect that he would handle this matter so softly, and Yuan Minmin actually had objections to this method of handling it.

Yuan Minmin buried her head and reluctantly said in a low voice: "I'm sorry."

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