Part 3💕

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Anisha(Ani) trii mixie

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Anisha(Ani) trii mixie

Anisha(Ani) trii mixie

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Her fit

Mardi(mari) rey mindo

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Mardi(mari) rey mindo

Mardi(mari) rey mindo

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Her fit

Anis Pov:

My best friend coming over today so I gotta get ready, she finna take me shopping to get new clothes and shit, Ima hop in the shower after I pick out my fit for the day, I bring my clothes into the bathroom and hop into the shower, after I'm done I get dressed and head downstairs, I sit on the couch and go on my phone to wait for Mardi to arrive, it shouldn't be too long bc she lives down the road from my apartment, I hear a knock at the door and get up to answer, that better be Mardi, I think to myself, I open the door and it's Mardi, of course "hey Mami, you fine ass, let's go" I say to her looking her up and down, suddenly I get like hella nauseous, and I can tell Mardi sees it, I sprint to the bathroom and start throwing hella chunks, she walks in "hey mamas you alr?" She says to me rubbing my back 'nd shit, she puts my hair up as I continue to throw up "fuck you ok Mami??" She asks me..

That's gonna be all for now, I'm sorry this was so short I'm going somewhere 💕

~221 words~

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