Part 4💕

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Anisha(Ani) trii mixie

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Anisha(Ani) trii mixie

Anisha(Ani) trii mixie

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Her fit (same)

Mardi(mari) rey mindo

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Mardi(mari) rey mindo

Mardi(mari) rey mindo

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Her fit (same)

Mardis Pov:

Miss mama got hella pale them sprinted away to the bathroom, obvi I followed her, gonna make sure my bitch ok, I tied her hair back and started rubbing her back "Mami wassup?" I say to her, she just continues sobbing and puking her shit, "mamas I'ma go get you some water" I say to her and hop up, I grab a glass of water from her kitchen and bring it too her I set it down on her sink countertop, "breathe Mami, what did you eat today?" I ask her "for breakfast I had pancakes and I had a glass of OJ before you got here.." she replied to me "ok mama, I'ma grab you some crackers or sum shit, cus you needa eat rn" I say to her and hop back up I grab a paper plate and a bag of crackers from her kitchen I pour the crackers onto the plate and bring it to her, I place it next to the water "hey Mami why don't you have some water at least?" I ask her "uhm ok" she replies

Anis pov:

I take the water from the counter and take a big sip, "damn, wtf was that-" I say really confused why I just got so fking sick for no reason at all, I remember last night and the thought crosses my mind that... I don't actually know if nat pulled out.. "fuck me.. Mardi, can you buy me a pregnancy test?" I ask Mardi tears starting to form in my eyes, I'm fking 19 I better not be pregnant..

Mardi just got back from the store with a pregnancy test, it was only like 5 minutes so not too bad, I did my thing with the test and left it on the counter in the bathroom, I left the toilet and went to the couch "Mardi can I hug you rq Mami?" I asked her "ofc mama" she pulled me into a tight hug "if there is a kid in me, will you help?" I ask her "you know I will." She responds with a smile on her beautiful face "you my best friend Mari, I love you mama" I tell her "love you too bitch" she responds "so who was it?" She asks me "uh- Nat.." I respond "DAMN GIRL, yo bsf?" She says to me "yeah" I chuckle to myself, the timer I had set goes off and we walk into the bathroom, "can you look..?" I ask Mardi "sure mama" she replies, she picks up the test and flips it over "WOOHOO, you finna be a momma, boo!!" She exclaims "damn fr!?" I ask excitedly snatching the test from her hand "dangggg, how am I gonna pay for a kid-.." I say nervously "hey, bitch you can figure that out later, in the mean time, you gotta tell Nat, call that hoe!! " she says to me and hands me her phone, the phone ring for like 60 seconds till I hear nats voice "yo, Mardi? " I hear her say " uh- nah it's me Ani.. " I say to him "hey wassup mami~" he says in a seductive voice "did you pull out last night? " I ask him a little angry "ah shit.. no Mami, why?" He responds quietly "YOU GOT ME PREGNANT YOU DICK" I scream at him "woah mama chill.. " I hear Mardi say, she takes the phone from my hand and hangs up " hey hey, it's gonna be ok, let's go get some rest I'll text Nat" she walks me too my room and helps me get comfortable, once I say I'm good she walks out of the room and I hear her talking in the phone, my eyes start to get heavy so I give in

Mardis Pov:

I call Nat to tell her to get her stupid ass over here asap,"nat get your nasty ass over here rn." I say to her in a Stern tone "I'm already otw chill." She replys with an annoyed tone..

That's gonna be it for this chapter! I'm pretty proud of this one, I got alot written 💕

~706 words~

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