Rule 6

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Rule 6 (Not proofread, please ignore any mistakes as I will fix them on my final edit, thanks).

            Sid had given me a lift and wished me luck when she'd dropped me off back at the flat. I was going to need more than luck, even a miracle would be cutting it slim.

            Melinda's sudden appearance was bad for three reasons. One: With her here, my chances of getting Ash's job offer had plummeted. Two: She would probably go and feedback to my parents if she found out that I wasn't going college. And three: If she and Ash were to get together, I'd never get rid of her.

            When I opened the door to the flat, I heard nothing but my sister's chuckles emanating from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and started towards the living room, unsurprised when neither of them were in view. If they were naked, sprawled across the kitchen counters, I was not only going to burn the kitchen, but also disown Melinda as my sister.

            They weren't having sex on the counter, but merely having a cup of coffee and a chat. Well, so it seemed.

            Melinda was a pretty much polar opposite to me, making me question that I was even part of the family. I had light brown hair with an olive skin tone, whereas she was pale and blonde with a tall, slender figure and perfect features. Her green eyes met mine and her expression dropped.

            "I thought you'd be in college," she sniffed. Crap, I hadn't thought of that.

            "Teacher is sick, I've got the lesson off. What're you doing here?" I was always a good liar as a kid and it was one of my only talents.

            "I've come up to spot check and I have a convention to visit on the outskirts of Manchester. Dev said it would be okay for me to stay with you for a few days," she said with a shrug. I was staring at her in disbelief. Dev was in for a slow and painful death.

            "Where do you intend on sleeping?" I questionned. Ash grinned and threw his arm over her shoulder.

            "She could always stay in with me," he chided and Melinda smiled, leaning into him.

            "Get me a bucket," I scoffed and Ash smirked.

            "If you want to stay in my room with me and your sister have your room, that's fine with me, love," he drawled. Without any further words, I turned on my heels and paced back into my room with a grunt.

            I didn't leave the comforts of my tiny sanctuary until I heard Dev come through the front door. When he did, I peered out into the passage and beckoned him into my bedroom.

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