6. Lyoko's Foe

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[SPOILERS FOR CODE LYOKO BEYOND'S SEASON 6 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKOOAf4ifuQZ78x3IW5xLzA]

February 28th, 1989. The elevator's doors creaked open, revealing the enigmatic figures of Hertz and Hopper. Then, Hopper strode confidently into the room ahead. Meanwhile, Suzanne Hertz stood motionless, her eyes widened in sheer astonishment as she beheld the surreal sight before her.

In a tremulous voice, Hertz stammered, "But what is all of this?"

Hopper turned to her with a solemnity that matched the gravity of their clandestine rendezvous. "I will tell you everything, but don't forget your promise. This is a secret; no one can know of the existence of this place, Suzanne, no one!"

With a firm nod, Hertz replied, "You can trust me, Dr. Hopper."

A faint, reassuring smile graced Hopper's lips as he gently admonished her, "I've told you not to address me as 'doctor.' We are friends. I believe I should start at the beginning. My name is not Franz Hopper; it's Waldo Schaeffer."

Suzanne Hertz was left utterly shocked by this revelation, her disbelief etched across her face. Shortly after the initial shock, she finally found her voice, albeit with a hint of disbelief lingering in her tone. "Waldo Schaeffer? I never would have guessed... why... why did you change your name?"

Hopper's eyes took on a distant, pensive look as he began to recount the enigmatic tale of his past. "It's a long and I mean it, a very long and complex story, Suzanne. Back when I adopted the name Franz Hopper, I believed it necessary to shield my true identity from those who might come after me."

He paused, as if reflecting on the choices he had made, then continued, "I am married, but my wife was taken from me a few years ago... I need this supercomputer to find her. To stop them..."

Suzanne Hertz nodded as she heard him, her mind racing to grasp the magnitude of the entire situation. "And why are you telling me all of this?"

Hopper looked at her, his eyes swollen and suddenly red, with tears forming. "Because you made the scanners work. That was my wife's greatest wish. To make a scanner work. And thanks to your general idea, I was able to make it a reality."

Suzanne looked up from her work, her gaze meeting Franz's. "That conversation the other way... was for this?"

Hopper hesitated, struggling to talk. His heart was so heavy. "Yes... Anthea and I tried for years to build a scanner. And you just casually dropped the right way to approach this tecnology without even seeing it... I need you... I need you to find her, please."

Suzanne's shock slowly began to transform into a sense of purpose with his plead. She had always admired Franz's brilliance, and the mysterious world she had stumbled upon had ignited her curiosity. "I'll help you. I trust you. What do you need me to do?"

And with that question echoing through the walls of the lab, weeks passed, during which Suzanne and Franz worked tirelessly side by side. Together, they worked on the scanners, optimized the supercomputer, and enhanced the security protocols to protect against external threats. Suzanne delved into the intricacies of this hidden world, understanding more with each passing day.

One evening, while walking back to Kadic through the bridge, Suzanne turned to Franz. "Wa... Franz, why are you creating the scanners?"

Hopper looked at Suzanne with a mixture of determination and longing. "When this is all over, I want to go to the world I created with my child and wife, and live there for a while. It's a place where we can be safe and free, away from the chaos of the real world."

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