Chapter 10 - Crush

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3rd Person

Mike walked back down the stairs, and decided to sit down next to Will instead of the floor.

Will turned to Mike and his cheeks turned slightly pink, and he removed his headphones.

"Hey." Will smiled softly.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Mike spoke gently.

"I don't know, I mean.. It's kinda hard to feel happy when you know you could die any second." Will shrugged, and Mike frowned.

"Will, nothing is going to happen. We won't let him hurt you." Mike tried to reassure him, but Will just sighed.

"Mike, I just-.. nevermind." Will trailed off, and Mike instantly panicked.

"What? What's wrong?" He took Wills hand, squeezing it softly.

"There's just, so much that I want to say. That I need to say. And I'm just scared that I'll never be able to say it." He looked up at Mike, tears in his eyes.

Lucas, who was listening in on the conversation, had an idea.

"Hey, why don't you write letters?" He offered, and Will's eyebrows raised.

"Do you have any paper?" He asked Mike, who nodded.

"I'll go get some, stay here." Mike told Will, who nodded softly.

Everyone who was in the room was distracted, and Lucas took the opportunity to talk to Will.

"How are you doing? I know we've not talked in a while but I miss you, man." Lucas smiled, but the smile seemed sad.

"I mean, as good as someone who's hurtling towards a gruesome death can be." Will chuckled slightly, and Lucas felt himself tear up.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Will placed his hand on Lucas's shoulder, his face evidently worried.

Mike walked down the stairs to see this, and he felt himself get.. jealous?

He stormed over there, slamming down on the couch.

"Here." Mike practically slammed them down on the table in front of them, causing both Will and Lucas to look at each other.

Lucas signalled to Will that he'd talk to Mike, so Will nodded and walked over to the desk so that he could write the letters.

"Okay, what the hell was that?" Lucas scoffed.

"Nothing." Mike sulked, turning away from him.

"Mike." Lucas gave him that look, and Mike sighed.

"Does Will have a crush on you?" He whispered, frowning.

"Woah, woah, what!?" Lucas shrieked, and Mike slapped his arm.

"Shut. Up." He spoke through gritted teeth.

"Uh, no he doesn't.. Why?" Lucas tried to stop the smile forming on his face.

"Doesn't matter." Mike sounded relieved, and Lucas gasped.

"Holy shit! Do you have a crush on him?" He whispered, causing Mike to go red.

"W-What!? Ew n-no." Mike blushed, tripping over his words

"You do! You definitely do!" Lucas smiled for the first time in days, which caught Dustins attention.

"What's got you all smiley?" Dustin sat next to Lucas on the floor, glancing between the two boys.


"Nothing!" Mike slapped Lucas's mouth, and Dustin frowned.

Mike saw this and sighed.

"..Just tell him Lucas." Mike blushed, turning away.

"Mike has a crush on Will!" Lucas spoke into Dustins ear, and now Dustin was grinning aswell.

"Seriously!?" Dustin giggled.

Mike covered his face with his hands,feeling embarrassed.

"Stop." His voice came out muffled through his hands.

"Dude, this is so good!" Dustin spoke excitedly.

"Is it really." Mike spoke sarcastically.

"Uh, yeah! We could get you two together!" Lucas looked at Dustin, who nodded.

"..Really?" Mike moved his hands off of his face, smiling slightly.

"Absolutely!" Dustin grinned, and Mike blushed deeply.

"Wait, but what about El?" Mike panicked, not sure whether they were even together or not.

"Oh, we forgot about that." Lucas deadpanned, and Mike scoffed.

"Should I ask her if we are dating or not?" Mike looked between them both, and Dustin scoffed.

"No, dumbass! Me and Lucas can go and ask how you two are and then we'll know." Dustin stood up, and Mike nodded slowly.

"Okay, hurry up." Mike hissed, shooing them away.

Mike walked over to Will so that he doesn't look suspicious, and he peaked over Will's shoulder to try ans get a quick look at the letters.

'Dear Mike,

I didn't think I would ever tell you this, but since I am leaving I feel like I need to. I ha'

The letter stopped there, which Mike thought was odd. He moved from behind Will to try and see if he was just imagining things, but as he moved he saw that he had just stoppes writing.

He looked down at Will, and his hand was tightened around the pen, his finger tips white.

"Shit don't be Vecna please." Mike whispered, gently kneeling down next to the desk.

He looked up at Will's face, and just as he had thought, Will's eyes were rolled back into the back of his head.

"For fuck sake!" Mike panicked, turning Will's chair round to face him.

"What the hell was that for?" Nancy yelled trom the other side of the room, not realising what was happening.

"Vecna!" Mike called out to his sister, who immediately spun around and ran over to Mike and Will.

"Shit shit shit!" Jonathan rushed over, sitting beside Mike.

"Will, wake up!"

hey guys so like i know ive veen really slow at updates but its cos ive been crying LMAO

{Word Count: 885}

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