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I look at the time on the laptop's screen before saving the document I was in the middle of translating, and I release a long sigh before stretching my back and arms, glad to be done with this day of work.

I had to spend a good hour talking with my boss this morning about Yoongi since he would be spending his days with me at work starting tomorrow, and though it wasn't really met with a smile, I was given permission without much trouble when I showed them the doctor's papers.

It's going to be very weird to have him sit in the same room as me while I work, but that was part of the contract - he must remain by my side as much as possible since we never know when my magick will do one of its stupid tricks again.

I tried to get him a comfortable corner ready behind my desk so that he can at least have a space where he can do his own things, but besides the couch and the coffee table, there wasn't much I could request from my department's director.

I'm already given a lot more luxury than the others, in his words, and unless I'm ready to have multiple complaints with my name in a bold font right on the CEO's desk, then I shouldn't ask for more.

I understand where he came from with that though.

Not only do I, a mere office translator, have my own private room to work in since nowhere else seemed to have space for me - one office had been left unused for a year on our floor so it became mine - I am now also allowed a handsome man by my side and a cozy couch during work hours.

My coworkers didn't really like me to begin with, and I can say with confidence that this isn't going to make things any better.

Oh well.

I'm not working here to make friends so it doesn't matter. They can go ahead and say anything they want, Yoongi isn't going to be here to entertain me - he's going to be here to make sure my magick stays under control, which is good not only for me but for everyone else as well.

It's already a miracle that I could keep that job for so long, all the others fired me after a couple of weeks after finding out just how bad my ice crystals could get during hot summer days, but I've been here for six months now.

Must be the air conditioning, thank goodness for that.

I close my Word folders, then shut the office laptop before gathering all of my belongings into my bag, after which I grab my gloves for when I have to push on my wheels for longer than what I know my skin can handle without getting blisters.

Used to get them all the time, until I was recommended those magick hand gloves. Sure made me save on bandages and skin medicine, I keep them with me whenever I head outside now, they're a lifesaver.

After switching off the light behind me, I exit my office and follow the edge of the larger common office where everyone else is working to reach the elevator, very intent on ignoring all the eyes that follow me with a shiver up my spine.

I would've loved to work from home, it would save us all the trouble of having to deal with my necessities like this, but alas, they just have to make me work on important documents all the time that if wrongly translated, could bring the entire corporation a lot of problems.

Thankfully, I have a very kind superior who reads those over when I'm done to avoid that from happening, but still, can't take care of those documents just anywhere, even if it's at my own place.

The elevator's doors open right as I approach it thanks to that very same superior who's like a ray of sunshine in this gigantic building, and he smiles at me while holding the doors open to give me some time to board the small space that we are to share all the way to the main floor.

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