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I dreaded going to school today. My head was throbbing and I could barely stand up. When Jeongin came to wake me up, he freaked out when he saw my state. He ran out of my room and must have called me out of school because when he came back in, he just said that I should rest up.

My condition got a bit better throughout the day, but my head still hurts a bit when Jeongin got home. He seemed to have brought some of the boys back, but that's irrelevant. When I woke up, Peter was still next to me. He was cuddled up to my chest, his nose twitching every now and then.

I placed my hand on my head once again and decided to get up. My cover flung off of my body, waking Peter up. He sat on his hind legs, tilting his head to the side. I smiled at him before offering my hands for him to climb into. As soon as all of his furry self was in my hold, I took my first attempt at standing. I stumbled a bit, but stayed stable enough to make it to my dresser for support.

The lock on my door chicked and it swung open just enough for me to squeeze out. Peter scurried up my arm and onto my shoulder, slightly sitting on my hair (if you have short hair, ignore that). Walking down the stairs was a challenge, but I was able to reach the bottom of the stairs after a while. Jeongin and some of the boys were sitting on the couch and floor playing a video game. They seemed to have not noticed me, because they didn't turn their heads when I walked past them. Once inside the kitchen, I decided to make some ramen to hopefully make me feel a bit better. In the midst of boiling the water, someone had walked into the kitchen. I turn my head to see Hyunjin and Changbin looking at me before Hyunjin turns back around to the living room. After a couple of seconds of staring at each other, we were disrupted by Jeongin sprinting into the kitchen.

"Y/N! You're not supposed to be out of bed! You're still sick!" He stops at looks at my shoulder. 'Shoot! I forgot about Peter! Well, it was bound to happen eventually' I think to myself while sighing. Jeongin then points to the squirrel on my shoulder and lets out one of his famous dolphin screeches.

Changbin quickly covers his mouth and leads him back to the living room, letting me finish my ramen. I stand in the kitchen while eating, not wanting to disrupt the others. Peter hops off my shoulder and looks around the kitchen a bit. Just then, Chan comes walking into the kitchen. He goes to hug me, but remembered I'm sick and just waved at me.

"You're glad you weren't at school today. Yejun went crazy during lunch. I think he got suspended again" he explains with an unreadable expression. I pray happily in my head. 'Thank god he won't be there.' He looks back up at me with a worried expression. "Are you sure you're okay?" I just nod my head in response, too lazy to give a full answer. He slightly nods back and walks out of the kitchen.

Peter brushes his fuzzy head on mine, sort of signaling to leave. I place my empty dishes in the sink and tell the boys I'm heading back upstairs. I was reaching for the railing when I finally counted the boys that were in the house. There was only seven of them. 'Wait a second, where is Jisung?' I thought while looking around the room for him.

"Hey, Y/N! Looking for something?" Felix calls out to me. I just shake my head and walk back upstairs. Peter makes his way down my arm and onto the floor, his nails making scratching sounds when he moves. I swing open my door and plop myself down on the edge of my bed. I sit there for a bit before I sit up and look around the room. I take a glance around and notice a small squirrel seems to be missing. Then, I notice my open windows and assume he left.

‡Time Skip‡

On the walk to school with Jeongin and Seungmin, my mind was racing with what was going to happen. "Yes, Yejun was gone, but what's going to happen to me when he comes back? Is he going to be really mad?" My mind went on and on I didn't even notice Jeongin tapping on my shoulder until he started shaking me aggressively.

"Hey! Why would you do that!?" I yell towards my younger brother with an angry expression sitting on my face.

"You spaced out! We were trying to ask if you were feeling any better" he replied with the smallest smile on his face. I shake my head and keep walking, both boys quick to follow.

"I guess" I say in a voice barely audible. Jeongin rolled his eyes in response and takes Seungmin's hand in his.

"We have to go see Chan before class. Bye Y/N-ine!" he yells at me and waves before dragging Seungmin away through the front doors of the school. I stand outside for a bit before building up the courage to enter school again.

Once I enter the doors, some eyes turned onto me. Some girls started snickering as I passed them and burst into laughter after I was a good distance away. 'What happened while I was away? Gosh...' I thought with my head hanging low. When I enter my homeroom class, the loud chatting stops for a second before returning quieter then before. I make my way to the back corner where my seat was waiting for me. I saw Chan's book bag on his chair, so I know he'll be here today. The first bell rang through the halls and people running to their first class were heard.

Chan entered the classroom and took his seat next to mine shortly after. He didn't spare me a glance before the teacher started taking role call and starting the lesson for today. Halfway through he lesson, I look his way to see him on his phone texting someone. 'Why is he texting during class? He never does this.' For a split second, he looks up at me and we make eye contact then, he rolls his eyes and looks back down at his phone.

My eyes widen in shock. My best friend just rolled his eyes at me. I reach over this lap and grab his phone, making sure the teacher didn't see.

"Y/N! Give me back my phone!" He whisper yelled to me. I shook my head and continued looking at him for some sort of answer.

"Why did you roll your eyes at me?" I looked at him with confusion. He just rolled his eyes again and reached for his phone again before I pulled it away again.

"Y/N, is it true?" he whispered again before snatching his phone out of my grasp. I shake my head and try to reason that I have no idea what he's talking about. Just then my phone pings and I look at the notification I just received. It's from Yejun's Instagram. I open Instagram to find something I never would have guessed to happen.

as all of you know, Y/N has been bullying me for a while. i have decided to leave the school for good. i can't deal with this pain anymore. i hope you all understand and are on my side. make sure Y/N gets punished for everything they did to me.



Kinda bad chapter. I really just wanted to get a part out for you all. This is a bit of a shorter chapter, but hopefully still decent. Thank you everyone who has been supporting this book. I love you always and hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Have a lovely day!


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