Kook Bathroom: J.M

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JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader; Ex-Rafe Cameron x Reader; John B. x Sister!Reader

Warnings(s): female reader, swearing, violence, implied physical abuse (JJ's dad), harassment 

Your brother had roped you into a lot of stupid things in your lifetime, but this was starting to feel like the stupidest.

"John B, what the fuck are we doing?" You asked as he and JJ pulled the HMS Pogue onto shore.

"I told you, Y/N, I've got a plan," he replied.

"Care to share with the class what it is?"

"You just gotta trust me on this,"

"The last time I trusted you, I ended up on the receiving end of a gun," You said.

If he heard you, he gave you no indication, just marched through the grass with you and JJ in tow, bags slung over both their shoulders.

"I need you to get this to Sarah," John B. said, passing JJ a note.

"Ooh, can I read it?"

"No, you can't read it."

"Who's Vlad?"

"God, do you ever listen?"

"Hold up, are you macking Sarah Cameron?" JJ asked.

"I'm sorry, what?" You asked, leaning over JJ's shoulder to read the note.

"Would you shut up?" John B. replied, blushing in the darkness.

"You're making Sarah Cameron!" JJ exclaimed, incredulous.

"All right, man. Look, I'm doing it for everybody, all right?"

"You're macking Sarah Cameron for everybody?" You said.

"No that's not what I- look, it's just...it's like a business transaction, okay?"

"Classy," you said and then silence, the judgement thick in the air.

"What?" John B. asked.

"Nothing," JJ replied first, stopping and dropping his bag on the sand. "Thanks for being a team player, bro."


"Hey, I didn't say I wanted to mack Sarah Cameron, that's all him," he replied to you, throwing his white button up over his shoulders.

The conversation trickled out as John B. swung the tie around JJ's neck and did it for him.

You made a mental note to bring this up with your brother again later and pulled off your tank top. You were wearing your swimsuit beneath it and tossed a (f/c) sundress over the top of it, discarding your shorts after it settled.

"So, I just give this to Sarah?" JJ asked, clarifying.

"Yes, just give it to Sarah," John B. confirmed.

"Vlad? Really?" JJ mused, adjusting the bowtie.

"Shut up. Y/N, I'm gonna need you to distract Rafe."

"Woah, what? Hold up. No," JJ protested, frowning deeply. "No way I'm letting Rafe anywhere near her."

You rolled your eyes. Rafe was your ex-boyfriend who'd been less than a stellar partner while you were going out. He was obsessive, cruel, and manipulative. Not to mention a classist and a drug addict.

It was only after you broke up with him that you realized how awful he'd been treating you.

Pro-tip: when your close friends and family tell you how shitty your boyfriend is, chances are pretty good that they're right.

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