Introduction of The 88 Squad

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Universe: Earth 268.

Place: The 88 Squad's Main HQ.

A o.W.n. Operative is seen in a part of a Giant Spaceship, which belonged to a group that goes by the name: "The 88 Squad". From the Intel they've gotten from Captain Rex-2177 (aka Captainrex2177), he said that he once met this Group & IG-82's Squad that went through different kinds of Universes in the past, and that they gave a little bit of their Equipment to The Alliance of Defense during The New War.

The o.W.n. Medic then decided to ordered some of his o.W.n. Operatives to meet the Members of both The 88 Squad & IG-82's Squad to see if they would help them out on The War against The Earth 268's Union Academy.

The o.W.n. Operative suddenly noticed a Door opening and he saw two members of The 88 Squad. One of them is Dipper Pines, who seems to be talking to a Assassin Droid. The o.W.n. Operative then realized the Droid that Dipper is talking to, since he remembered looking at the Intel Captain Rex-2177 gave, and he saw that Droid in one of the pictures. That Assassin Droid is none other than IG-88, the Leader of The 88 Squad.

IG-88: (To Dipper) "Get the Squad ready, we're heading out

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IG-88: (To Dipper) "Get the Squad ready, we're heading out."

Dipper: (Nods) "Yes sir."

Dipper walks away to assemble the other members of The 88 Squad. IG-88 suddenly notices the o.W.n. Operative standing there, and turns to him.

IG-88: "Oh, I didn't see you there. You the new recruit?"

o.W.n Operative: (Ahakes head) "No sir, I was sent by my Boss, The o.W.n. Medic, to ask for your help."

IG-88: "Very well, I guess I'll just talk to this o.W.n. Medic Guy himself later on once I meet him. Anyways, welcome to The 88 Squad. My name is IG-88, but you can just call me "88" for short.

IG-88 then guides the o.W.n. Operative to a part of the Spaceship, where it show some of their Troops preparing their Equipment.

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The o.W.n. Operative could see many things happening. He could see another Assassin Droid talking to some Troops, some Reprogrammed C6 Bots preparing their Guns, Workers in the background loading up their Vehicles, a Reprogrammed C-12 Battle Tank activating, and many more stuff happening in the background. He then turns to IG-88 again.

IG-88: We're mostly a Universe-Hoping Group that specializes in helping other Worlds, but we are also sometimes direct assault units. In the past during The New War, we gave Equipment to both Union Academy and The Alliance of Defense. But now, we only give our Equipment to just The Alliance of Defense and maybe you o.W.n. Guys later on, because we learn on that Union Academy has been corrupted and have been using our stuff for their crimes. However, we were able to get our stolen Equipment back, as well as stelling some of their Equipment and reengineered it for our cause.

o.W.n. Operative: "It's a good thing that you got your Equipment back, otherwise they would have copied more of your technology."

IG-88: "I know, and it's good that we got them back in time. Anyways, back to what I was saying, half of our other units specialize in strategic objectives, tech ops, ghost hits... but the other half of our units just like to keep it simple: Kill to be Killed."

IG-88 then looks down at the Assassin Droid that was talking to the Troops, which is revealed to be IG-80, one of IG-88's Brothers.

IG-88: "Hey Bro!" (IG-80 turns to him) "Get the rest of your team ready, we're leaving at 5!"

IG-80: (Nods) "You got it Bro!" (To the Troops) "Y'all heard the boss! Let's move it!"

Troops: "Sir Yes Sir!"

IG-80 and his Troops began moving out, as IG-88 turns to the o.W.n. Operative again.

IG-88: If y'all needed help, then me and my Squad will be helping all of you against Union Academy. I'll also be assigning some missions for y'all as they come in. Complete the objectives, then we'll give your fellow o.W.n. Allies some of our Best Equipment that are available. But first things first, we need to get you in a Combat Rig."

o.W.n. Operative: (Confused) "Combat Rig?"

IG-88: (Begins walking away) "Follow me."

The o.W.n. Operative follows IG-88 into a separate room, where is showed 3 different Combat Rigs. The first is the "C6/Synaptic" Combat Rig, the second is the "Warfighter" Combat Rig, and the last one is the "Merc" Combat Rig.

IG-88: "Rigs are wearable, customizable weapon systems. Top of the line tech, built for extreme military applications. These things back a punch." (Points at one of the Combat Rigs) "They will save your ass in anything environment."

IG-88 then points to the Suit that he is already wearing, which looks to be a Modified "Warfighter" Combat Rig designed for both his fellow 88 Squad Members and Assassin Droids.


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(P.S. Ignore the Helmet)

IG-88: "This is a tricked out Warfighter Rig, custom built for our units." (Walks for a little bit) Prove yourselves to us, and y'all get more access to more Rigs and extra ordnance packages.

IG-88 then extends his hand out to him, and the o.W.n. Operative kindly shakes his hand.

IG-88: (Smiles) "Welcome to The 88 Squad, even though you are actually a part of our Squad. First in the Fight! Now let's go and give those Union Bastards some Hell!" (Points to the Combat Rigs behind him) "But first, Pick a Rig!"

The Sceen then fades to black.

I'm hoping that both BlazeSaber00 and Captainrex2177 will like this Introduction I've made for The 88 Squad (From the "IG-88's Adventures Series" Wiki) for when they appear in the upcoming Season 2 of BlazeSaber00's "o.W.n./Cult of Personality" True Heroes of the World" Collaboration Crossover Book. And I'll be seeing y'all on the next upcoming page, and as always, Peace Out Everyone!!!

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