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she was dead. she knew that much. she had been hit by a truck going eighty miles per hour. there was no way she was alive. she could remember the pain of the force pressing against her, the cries of the people around her. yet she could feel the grass beneath her. it was soft to the touch, tickling her skin. her entire body hurt and she struggled to move.

finally, she cracked her eyes open, finding herself staring up at the darkening sky. her muscles protested as she forced herself to sit up. she took in her surroundings, having no idea where she was. she was in the middle of a grassy clearing surrounded by nothing but trees. a breeze blew through the area, causing her to shiver slightly at its lack of warmth.

she examined her clothes. she was wearing her clothes from before. as the orange sky faded to a dark inky blue, she heard footsteps behind her as well as a snarl. before she had time to react, she was on her back with a growling creature on top of her. drool dripped from its lips as it bared its teeth.

instinctively, she kicked its stomach. as it flew back screaming, she scrambled to her feet. the girl began running away, heart beating in her chest. her breath was quick and short. she looked back, only to trip. stumbling, she fell to the ground. the creature was right behind her and was about to launch at her if not for the figure standing above her.

he had a ghostly aura and long black hair tipped with red tied up in a ponytail. she stared. he seemed familiar. his movements were quick and precise. in seconds, the creature was beheaded. the man turned, crouching to ensure she was okay.

"are you alright?" he asked quietly. she nodded, still looking at him with wide eyes. "good."

she took the chance to examine him further: he was tall and slender, probably around six foot. his eyes were pupil-less but a beautiful magenta and he had hanafuda earrings dangling from his ears. before she could even think, she spoke, "can you teach me how you did that?"

his eyes widened slightly before he let out a small chuckle. "i don't see why not, but first, let's get you out of the cold."

she nodded, taking his outstretched hand. "what was that creature?"

she had an inkling of an idea of what it was and who she was talking to, but she wanted him to confirm it. she didn't quite want to believe she was in demon slayer. that would be crazy, right?

"a demon. they are man-eating creatures who stalk the night. they are disgusting beings who are unable to be killed unless beheaded with a special blade." he gestured to the katana strapped to his waist. she nodded in understanding and he continued, "when harmed, they regenerate instantly. they have special skills called blood demon arts, which are essentially inhuman abilities. they also possess unnatural senses.

"the type of blade that can slow their regeneration and even kill them is called a nichirin sword. it is forged with scarlet crimson iron sand and scarlet ore. these can only be found on mount yoko's peak, which is bathed in sunlight all year-round."

she nodded again, awed that he could remember such a thing. the realization that she was in demon slayer was far from her mind. "say, mister, why did you agree to teach me? you don't even know me."

he was silent for a moment, thinking. "it's not every day you meet a child who can see ghosts."

she stopped in her tracks. so she was correct. he was in fact dead. that made the most sense, so she wasn't sure why she was so shocked. upon seeing her reaction, the man sighed. "come. we are close to a cabin you can stay in."

she swallowed thickly but followed nonetheless. as the ghost mentioned, there was indeed a house visible through the trees. the pair walked in silence towards the cabin, with the girl trailing behind him. as soon as they reached it, the ghost opened the door for her and led her inside.

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