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"hey, tanjirō? do you think this next mission will be easier? i mean, we-"


[name] and tanjirō stopped, staring at the yellow-haired boy in disgust. "huh?"

a small sparrow fluttered over, chirping madly. tanjirō nodded in understanding before stating, "i see, i understand. i'll think of a way!"

[name] gave him a confused look. "you speak bird? weirdo..."

"I BEG YOU!! MARRY ME!" tanjirō suddenly rushed forward, grabbing the other boy's haori.

"what the hell are you doing in the middle of the road! can't you see the lady doesn't want this!! and you're bothering the sparrows, too!!"

"ah, the uniform! you're the one from final selection..."

"i definitely don't know a guy like you! definitely don't!!"

"eh?! we've met though, we really have met before! you've got memory issues!"

tanjirō ignored him, turning to the young woman and bowing apologetically. "alright young lady, you should hurry on back home."

"thank you very much!" the girl bowed.

"hey-!! she still needs to marry me, she likes me!"

"shame on you," the girl snapped, smacking the yellow-haired boy. "when did i ever say i liked you!! i only talked to you because i thought you were sick when you were squatting on the side of the road!!"

"doesn't that mean that you talked to me because you're worried about me because you like me?!"

"that's completely impossible, i have a fiancé already!! i see that you're really energetic already, so you should be fine. let's never see each other again!!" with that, the black-haired girl stomped off.

"wait!! wait..." the boy trailed off before looking at tanjirō. "why did you have the come and mess with...what sort of an expression is that?! don't do that—don't use those eyes to look at me like you would use to look at some sort of creature! it's all your fault!! it's all your fault that i didn't get married!! SAY SOMETHING!!"

[name] walked over, grabbing the boy's haori. "what the hell is wrong with you, harassing a girl for no reason, huh?! and you're sitting on the ground complaining instead of doing missions! what kind of demon slayer are you, huh?!"

"[name]-chan, i don't thi-" tanjirō was cut off by the yellow boy's yelling.


"ehh?!! no! i'm not marrying someone who harasses women! especially someone so weak!"

"wahhh, you're so mean!" he cried, wiping at his eyes. "i'm about to die!! i'll definitely die the next time i'm on the job!! i'm super weak, and don't think i'm exaggerating! you need to protect me before i finally get married!"

"my name is kamado tanjirō! this is tsugikuni [name]!"

"is that so!! i'm sorry. my name is agatsuma zenitsu! help me, tanjirō, [name]!"

"and why should we?!" the girl asked. "all you'll do is slow us down!"

"[name], please be nice." the girl huffed and crossed her arms. tanjirō directed his attention back to zenitsu. "why would a person like you who asks for help from somebody he just met want to be a swordsman? how can you be so shameless to an extent?!"

zenitsu began going off on a long tangent about getting stuck in debt and how his master helped him with it on the promise that the boy became a demon slayer. [name] pursed her lips, feeling slightly guilty for yelling at him. however, she also knew he needed a reality check.

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