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~Time Skip~

|| Author's P. O. V ||

It's been 3 weeks. The days passed just fine. Yoongi would as usual go to office then return home at evening. Jimin and Naeun stayed at home but they never interacted much apart from having lunch together silently. Naeun as usual avoids any interaction with both Yoongi and Jimin. Most of the time she stays outside nowadays saying she has some work. Yoongi never questioned her. In this 3 weeks Yoongi's parents haven't called Yoongi much also. Yoongi didn't think about these things much as the sole thing he was focusing on was Jimin for now. It was evening and Jimin was lying on the bed as usual when there was a knock on the door.

"Yes", Jimin said. It was Yoongi. He came in with a glass of juice in his hands. It's been a daily thing for Yoongi to bring juice for Jimin. Jimin finished the juice. "Jimin" Yoongi said. "Hm?" "This week you have your first check up". Jimin looked at him, "Oh ..this week?" Yoongi nodded, "I'll take you there." Jimin nodded, "hm..ok". "Hm now rest", Yoongi took the glass and went downstairs.

|| Jimin P. O. V ||

I sat on the bed for a while thinking deeply. 3 weeks have passed already. My phone buzzed. Jin hyung. I picked it up. "Hey hyung what's up?" "That's my line. What are you doing? Are you ok? You aren't feeling ill or something right? Are you eating properly?" I groaned, "hyung we talk on phone time to time yet still you're asking silly things. I'm totally ok. I just had orange juice a minute ago" I said. He hummed, "Study in moderation too. Don't stress yourself" "Hm I'm not don't worry... it's just that this week ... it's my first check up." "Ohh ..yeah it's been 3 weeks..hmm..are you worried?" He asked. "Nahh why would I be worried! I took care of myself very well.. there's shouldn't be anything to worry about" "Hm ..so do you want me to come with you?" I thought for a moment, "uhh no .. it's ok ..Yoongi hyung will be there. No need to bother yourself" He sighed, "I'm not bothering myself.. well whatever..as you wish". "Did Tae return from University?" I asked , I couldn't talk to him for like ...3 days. "Uh ..no he didn't go to university. He's sick" my eyes widened, "Tae's sick?!" "Calm down.. it's a cold. He wanted to go and meet you but then he caught a cold. He didn't want you to get sick too so he didn't go. And he didn't want to worry you so he said not to tell you". "How long?" "3 days maybe" Tch that's why he didn't call me. "But he's ok now. He's sleeping". "Hm ..once he gets better tell him to call me". "hmhm ..now you don't worry and go and rest." "Yeahh..bye" "bye". He cut the call.

~sighs~ "That bear is sick and he didn't even tell me. I hope he's ok. Atleast am relieved as Jin hyung is there. Hmm ....I don't wanna stay in bed it's boring. Let's watch some TV." I took the remote and switched on the TV. "Ughh ..oh my..hmph.." I stretched my body a lil . Gosh staying in bed for sooo long makes my body ache, "Whatever.. let's see.."

• • •

"Ahhhhhh it's sooo boring!!! No I can't stay shut here anymore!" I got up and walked out of the room. I need some fresh air. I got down from the stairs carefully. I was on my way to the kitchen that's when my eyes fell towards the living room. It was Yoongi hyung. He was sitting on the couch working on something. I frowned. He's wearing a suit. I went there.

"Are you going somewhere?" He flinched hearing my voice suddenly. "Oh Jimin. Why are you here? You shouldn't climb up and down the stairs much! You could have called me if you need anything". I rolled my eyes, " 'climb up and down the stairs much' you say?! I only come down for lunch and dinner.. and after some days that too I won't get. Do you think it's possible for a human being to stay in the same room for so many days only coming down twice ..and that also just to eat?" He stayed silent. "~sighs~ I'm bored hyung. I need some fresh air. Btw why are you wearing this suit? Didn't you just get back from work a while ago?" He nodded,"I have a dinner meeting. Some special persons are coming. They informed me just now. It's important I've to go. I'll be back by 9." "Oh ..I see. Ok. Uhh where's..um..your wife?" He looked down on his laptop, "Outside. She didn't say much. Just "I'll be back"." I frowned. He's her husband yet she always...she seems to be always..rude with him ..I mean ..she acts like hyung doesn't even exist here. Irritating. "Ok .. whatever.. doesn't matter.." He looked at his watch,"Gotta go now. You'll be ok right?" I nodded, "No problem. You go" He got up and took his keys. Before turning the door knob he turned, "Call me if you need anything" "pfft..so you're saying I should call you if I need another glass of juice?" He blushed, "Ani. That's not what I meant. I mean..call me if you..." I chuckled. It's fun to tease him. "I'm just kidding. I know. It's ok. Go now." He nodded and opened the door. "Bye bye~ Mr. Min~" I waved at him. He smiled and nodded once then closed the door.

~ Time Skip ~

|| Yoongi's P. O. V ||

I finished the meeting. That took longer than I expected. I looked at my wrist watch. It's past 9. I wonder how's everything at home. I didn't even got the time to make a call. And it's been raining so hard too from the moment I left home. I can't even drive fast. I wonder how's Jimin. Is he ok or not. I don't know....the way he said bye bye and waved cutely..that picture keeps flashing in my head. It was the first time someone did something like that to me. I smiled. "Hahh ..no Yoongi focus on driving".

• • •

After some minutes I reached home. I hurriedly got out of the car and opened the main door. "Eh ? Why is it all dark?" I carefully walked inside. "Naeun? Jimin?" I turned on the flash light. It was all quiet and empty. I carefully went upstairs towards Jimin's room. I heard soft sniffles. I opened the door , "Jimin.." I heard a gasp and turned towards the corner. There was he sitting with his knees upto his chest. "H-hyu-ng..." He whispered. I widened my eyes. "What the-- ..Jimin !" I ran to his side and crouched down. "Jimin! Hey w-what happened?" I tried to place my hand on his shoulder when he crashed into my arms and hugged me tightly. My breath got stuck in my throat. He's trembling buring his face into my chest. "J-jimin wh--" "please" I heard him whisper. "P-please d-dont l-lea-ve me ...it- it's s-so d-dark he-re. H-he .." he didn't continue and started sniffling again. I frowned 'He? About whom is he talking?' I thought. That's not important now.Oh no .. This isn't good at all. How long he's been crying like this? It'll have a bad effect.

"Jimin ! Shh calm down. It's me. Hyung is here. No need to fear. It's ok." I caressed his hair and back while whispering sweet nothings into his ear. I hugged him closely "Everything is fine. I'm right here. Calm down". After few seconds the trembling stopped and soft sniffs were heard. He was still gripping my coat tightly. I loosened up the hug and looked down at his face. His nose was red and eyes were puffy. "Jimin are you ok now?"I said softly. He nodded a lil and let out a shaken hm. "What happened?" He looked at me, "After you left I ..- I stayed downstairs but then I returned to room. It was raining--.. so hard t-then .. suddenly the lights were out. I--I was s-so ..scared.." I patted his head , "I'm sorry ..I didn't thought about it that it's raining so hard.. there might be electricity problem. It's my fault...but where's Naeun?" "Y-your wife?" I nodded. "She didn't return."

My eyes widened,


He shook his head,



A/N : - _ - the ending sucked I know!

There's so much shit happening in my life so am not in my right mind rn.





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Jin and J-hope from the first..
Now Yoongi
Then Joon too ...


Ay dios mio

~sighs~ what to do? Gotta wait for 2025!!!!

But The news about BTS's contract extension!!!! ^^ I'm So happy!! We'll see our boys again!!!!! 💜💜💜🙆

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