You mean something to me.

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Harsh or subtle? Intense or mild? Loud or quiet? Aggressive or gentle? Bad or Good? All these options, but which one to pick

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Harsh or subtle? Intense or mild? Loud or quiet? Aggressive or gentle? Bad or Good? All these options, but which one to pick. Even the rain has trouble deciding. Well, why not choose the best option? Why want something bad when you have the option of choosing the good?

Unfortunately, life is not quite as forgiving. It doesn't allow you the opportunity to choose what you want. Even the rain experiences this same problem. Drizzling quietly one moment and then, like someone who was wronged, lashes out with fierce strikes. Sometimes calling upon the mighty lightning so that people can witness its sadness. The picture lightning paints, of what almost looks like cracks in the sky, could resemble the cracks in a heart as well.

What followed the lightning was a lingering rumble followed by loud thunder. The sound is far superior than that of the ocean roaring or the clashing tides. However, unlike the seas down below, this sound resonated from up above instead. Was it the cries of misery or sounds of anger? Either way, I could sense a grave pain behind it. I felt afraid yet sympathetic for it.

The calm winds became violent, and some even turned into tornados. It was mourning and whining, almost like it had no sense of direction nor hope. I had a feeling it wanted to pass without any trouble, but it was trapped within itself. Now, it only seeks havoc and chaos. I just so happened to be unfortunate enough to cross its path. With enough force to uproot trees, its power was easily enough to make houses become naked. I was a goner for sure, and before I knew it, my house was ripped from its foundation.

"What else do you want?" I looked up and wondered. You had made wet, that which was once dry. Your wind blew away the roof over my head. Your intense lightning decimated the trees, and you seemed to have no reason for any of this. You have taken everything from me. How could you ever expect me to forgive you? I will not even thank you for sparing me. You should have taken me as well. This doesn't make me feel special or lucky but vulnerable. It's as if you wanted to strip me from everything I had and then leave me to rot and suffer while I lay exposed.

Once everything had cleared, the damage was clearly visible. A house which could no longer serve its purpose. The surrounding vegetation was destroyed. Only waterlogged patches and broken tree stumps remain to serve as evidence of this massacre. What kind of monster would have the heart to do this, and to think that mother nature was behind it all.

I looked up and a rainbow could be seen from a distance. I fell to my knees and gazed at the spectacular array of colors. "Was it really worth it? All this destruction for a stupid rainbow, which faded every growing second. Why? Why do this?" I asked. A light breeze hit me shortly after. It was gentle and comforting, considering the loss I had endured.

Thereafter, a voice said quietly, "You are much stronger than you believe. I was enraged, emotional, and inconsiderate. I couldn't control myself. But you are far beyond special. I used lightning, capable of generating 1 billion joules of energy. I cried so severely it caused floods. I shouted so loud; the roars of the ocean could not compete. I summoned winds so harsh they blew trees and homes off their foundation. Despite the aftermath of my mistakes and destruction, you are perfectly standing in one piece. Your only downside is not being able to see how great you truly are."

I took time to reflect on that message. I came to realize that by focusing solely on what causes you pain and distress, you neglect what brings you happiness and peace. Yes, my home was gone, and the area was destroyed, but with time, all wounds shall be fixed. I should've been grateful I lived to see another day considering the circumstances. Regardless of how difficult things seem to be, if you look hard enough, you will always see the rainbow at the end of it. I am extremely appreciative of whoever's voice that was. I felt sorry for them and the pain they had to carry. I hadn't heard anything from that voice ever since, but all I could hope is that they are doing okay.

I took back my distasteful words and even asked them for forgiveness. I didn't know who I was asking it from, but if there was one thing I could tell them, I would say, "Thank you so much!" Little did I know, every blessing and every good thing which came my way was actually mother nature's gift. And in the nature of being a mother, she perhaps lashed at me, took things away from me, and belittled me. But in the end of it all, she was still a nurturing mother. She spoke her words of forgiveness, she didn't lay a finger nor harm me, she eventually made way so I could see a rainbow and above all, she did what mothers did best. She loved me till the very end. I had forgotten and pardoned everything that happened, for I understood the world's most powerful force. love.

A concept that dawned upon me was becoming a diamond. We should all become diamonds. We start off as something as common and inexpensive as coal. But with sufficient time and after persevering hardships and overcoming immense pressures of life, do we truly harden into our true potential. A unique, strong, pure, and precious diamond.

Similarly to being a flower. We are all flowers. Some of us will grow tall, strong, and live a long life, and others won't see such a fate. Some of us will bloom later, and some of us will bloom early. Sometimes, we may not have been the flowers we always wanted to be. But at the end of the day, we are still flowers. One of the various organisms known for their immense beauty.

So, become both a flower and diamond. Be the best you can be and be genuine. Never allow that fire within you to die. And if things become too hard to handle and you still cant seem to shake off feeling down, just remember this quote from the poem, Remember, by Christina Rossetti, "Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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