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Ava's POV

[NOTE: this chapter contains death but is made so you will be able to skip it if you need]

"Ava, we have a problem."

My face falls. "What?"

"The man that called you, he's left us... another message."

"What message?"

Dante falters. "I- I don't want to say. I saw them this morning when I went to check the perimeter. It means he's found us though, so we're not safe here anymore."

My stomach twists. "Found what this morning?" I push.

"Please don't ask, Ava. I've contacted your mother, and she's agreed-"

I shove him out of the way and run to the front door. "Ava no!" He calls, but I ignore him.

My steps ring out through the halls as I race through the house. Finally, I find myself at the front door. I grip the cold handle and turn - the wooden door is flung open.

I freeze.

My knees feel weak as I look up to the veranda cover.

The usually green bricks are now tinted brown.

A hand covers my mouth as I stare.

Four bodies are hanging from the roof.

Four bodies for four guards.

Their limp figures send shivers down my spine.

Each has a letter written with blood on their back.


A gut-wrenching scream falls out of my gaping mouth.

I feel like my cheeks tear as I fall to the floor.

Both of my hands raise to my mouth as I lean over my legs.

'This is my fault. They were here for me.'

'Oh my God, I've killed them.'

Dante runs to my side and pulls me into his arms. His warmth radiates through me but it only serves as a reminder of his life, and his looming death.

He rocks me on the floor, his back facing the bodies to shield me from the horror.

"Shhh, amorina, it's okay. I'm here. I'll protect you."

Tears run down my cheeks. "They're dead because of me."

"No no no, don't say that, don't think that Ava. They gave their life to you, they volunteered."

"They're dead."

"Shhh, it's okay. It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself."

"You'll die because of me too."

This thought sends another scream ripping through my body. I shake my head furiously.

'No please, don't let Dante die. Please. Not him.'

"I'll be okay. We will both be fine."

"I don't want you to die..." I sob into his arms. "I don't want anyone to die,"

After taking some settling breaths, I look up to Dante. His eyes shine from the tears he holds back. "Did you volunteer?" I ask in a whisper.

"Yes. Yes, I did, amorina. I want to protect you. I always have and always will."

I rest my cheek against his hard chest. "Please don't die. Please don't leave me."

"I won't, I won't." I can see the panic in his wide eyes as he speaks. "Fuck. I didn't want you to see. I'm so sorry Ava."


"It's okay. Take deep breaths."

I try but the scent of their rotting flesh makes it nearly impossible to ignore. "I need to- I can't, please."

I don't know how he understands my gibberish but he lifts me off the ground and walks us inside - making sure to close the door behind us. He sits us down on the sofa and takes my cheeks in his hands.

"Amorina, look at me." I let my gaze meet his. "We'll work this out, okay?"

I nod slowly. "What happens now?" I ask.

His face hardens as he turns back to the door, picturing the message that was left for us.

"We hide."

𝑴𝒚 𝑩𝒐𝒅𝒚𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒅 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now