Chapter 11 - A Stunning Surprise

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Ominis despised pure-blood small talk. He had managed to extract key information from a few of the pub's regulars, but now that the conversation shifted to complaining about Muggle-borns, he was aching to leave the smelly, sticky room. He broke away from the group under the pretense he needed another drink and let his wand guide him towards the corner table where he had left Sebastian and Thea. He'd only just crossed the room when Sebastian grabbed his arm with urgency.

"Have you seen Thea?" he asked.

"I can't see anything—wait she's not with you?" A weight dropped in Ominis stomach.

"She went to get water and now I can't find her." Sebastian spoke quickly, his voice laced with panic.

"Dammit." Ominis gripped his wand tighter. "We'll search the building—"

"I already did, she'd not in here."

"Maybe she stepped outside for some air." He wished his tone sounded more hopeful. Sebastian led the way to a door near the back of the pub, shoving it open and exposing them to a cold wind. "Thea!" Ominis called out desperately.

"Oh no," Sebastian said under his breath. Ominis could tell he was kneeling to the ground.

"What it is?" he urged.

"Her wand."


Thea shuddered and screamed as another curse tore through her body. She barely processed the sickening laughter coming from the other side of the room as her captors took turns using Crucio and other violent spells.

Blood dripped down her cheek and she tasted it in the corner of her mouth. The stab wound on her thigh had been ripped open and was now causing her whole leg to shake and spasm.

Harlow crouched to her bleeding, twitching form. "Not so powerful now, are you?" he teased. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and dragged her across the floor to a cracked window. "Look out there, see your little friends across the street? They must be so worried about you." Thea hadn't realized they were so close to the pub. She could make out the silhouettes of Sebastian and Ominis pacing near the back door of building. Ominis appeared to be shouting something.

She didn't have another second to look before Harlow threw her back into the center of the room. Gideon watched lazily from an armchair in the corner. "Don't damage her too much," he drawled. "Remember we need her alive for Cragcroftshire."

"Just a few more rounds," Harlow said menacingly. "I'm having too much fun with this."

Thea braced herself for the pain. It came as a powerful wave, knocking her flat to floor and surging through her entire body. She screamed again and clawed at the ground.


It was the first time Ominis had punched someone. His grip around Sebastian's collar was tight as he held him against the wall. He retracted his fist and swung again, feeling the impact of his jaw. "What the hell is wrong with you," he bellowed as Sebastian slumped to the ground. "Why didn't you stay with her?"

With a pained grunt, Sebastian pulled himself up and shoved Ominis in the chest. "I was a bit preoccupied trying to gather information like you told us to!" he argued.

"Oh yes, I'm sure the Firewhisky gave you all sorts of key insight!" Ominis' blood boiled as he pushed Sebastian against the wall again. "How could you be so selfish? I bet some sick part of you is glad she's missing."

"For Merlin's sake, Ominis, I'm not a monster," Sebastian spit out.

"You could have fooled me!" Ominis snapped, losing his composure. "She could be anywhere right now and we have no way of finding her—"

Of Cunning Minds: Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now