Vengeful Prince

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Jeongguk was tempte to burn down the Jeon househousld...


The man glared at his brothers who were loudly putting on their metal armour, squeezing into the metal chest plates. "cant you be more quiet? im trying really hard not to throw you all out a window right now".
Yoongi scoffed as he slid his sword in the holder. "We are trying, its your precious enemies decision for us to wear these metal outfits. Take it up with him.

Jeongguk huffed and sat up, looking over at his brothers sitting at the table eating. Their hut wasnt so big but it was oczy enough for the five men. They had the essentials, food, warm furs, firewood, clothes and hunting equipment. They got by the winters and summers thanks to the hefty salary provided by the royals.

As the four out of five brothers swere about to leave for the dreaded training session, Jeongguk shot up and started to get dressed, "wait for me, i want to tag along!" he shouted to his brothers.
Taehyung whined and looked back at him "Jeongguk-ah the prince will punish us is we are late. Im not geting scolded because of you".

The dragon huffed and quickly tied up his lengthy hair into a bun. "Hyung im nearly done, we wont be late"

.....and oh how he was wrong....

The viscious look they got from Prince Park Jimin was priceless.

The five Jeons walked into the training session sweating, not from the walk but from nervousness. "Your all 15 minuites late. And brought an unauthorised person to MY training session" Jimin shouted across the field. Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and Taehyung bowed repeatedly, spouting out many apologies to the prince. Jeongguk on the other hand...wasnt so apologetic.

"Hey now doll, calm down before you scatch your solid gold slippers" The dragon spat at him as he lined up with the rest of the soldiers. The rest of the soldiers snapped their heads over in Jeongguks direction, recognising him as the legendary shapeshifter. They never heard a soul speak so casually to the Prince. They were just waiting for the princes response which never came...

Jimin glared at Jeongguk before looking at all the lined up soldiers.
"Due to five men who cant get out of bed on time. 500 push ups. If i see one man give up you are out of my services. Am i clear?" The prince shouted with a smirk. The feared looks on each of the soldiers faces made the prince aware of how lethal he was.

Jeongguk glared at the prince and raised his hands in disbelief "Are you out of your mind? These men, as strong as im sure they are, cant do 500 push ups. Are you doing this just to be left with no soldiers?"

Just as Jimin was about to open his mouth, Jeongguk spoke again and started walking toward Jimin.
"Are you that selfish Park Jimin? All these men will be out of jobs and pennyless! They wont be able to provide for their families! Are you that heartless?" Jeongguk growled as he was now only a step away from being nose to nose with Jimin. The soldiers were baffled at the dragons actions. They couldnt believe how he had the courage to speak to the Royal prince like that. Jimin too was speechless. He looked around at the soldiers reactions. He couldnt just let Jeongguk away with speaking to him like that infront of his soldiers. Jimin looked up at the man with a glare. "follow me".

The rest of the Jeon brothers gasped. Jimin was so unpredictable no matter how close they were to him. Their brother could come out in a wooden box with no breath left in his body or with that devilish smirk he always had on his face when he was around the prince. Hoseok attempted to dash toward the Prince and his brother who were walking into the palace but he was held back by the senior trainer who took over for Jimin.


Inside the palace Jeongguk followed behind Jimin with no Fear inside of him, slightly nervous yes but he still had that signature smirk on his face.

He followed the prince into the royal office. The royal office had a big table inside, with many seats which was used to make many decisions in Busan. Jeongguk scoffed when he saw the large room, it was larger then him and his brothers whole house. "So what now? am i in trouble little prince?" Jeongguk asked as he sat down in a chair. He was met by Jimin glare which the shapeshifter found ever so cute. "In trouble is an understatement! how dare you treat me like that infront of my people! Dont you know what they cna think? they may think its okay to talk to me like that too!" The prince shouted at the dragon.

Jeongguk laughed and pouted jokingly at Jimin "Scared they will open their mouth to little ol Prince?"

Jimin scoffed and stood infront of the seated man. "Whats your problem huh? i know you arnt fond of me but your very annoying!" Jimin groaned and stomed his foot childishly. Jeongguk laughed at Jimins actions and stood up and backed Jimin agaisnt the edge of the table.

"Look doll, My brothers are very special to me and your making their lives aswell as the other mens lives a living hell. You may have your grudges against me but please take them out on me instead of them hm?" Jeongguk says with a soft genuine smile. Jimin on the other hand was frozen still. He pushed the mans chest softly but Jeongguk didnt move an inch. Jeongguk help Jimins wrists softly and looked into his eyes, "Do we have a deal?"

The prince's mouth hung open in shock and slowly nodded. He had no idea why he let the man get to him like that, putting his last nights antics behind he couldnt believe it. Jimin looked into Jeongguks red shiny eyes and shook his head in disbelief "what spell are you using on me huh? stop it this instant!"

The dragon burst into laughter. "i may be a dragon but i dont dabble in potions"
Jimin looked skeptically at the man and folded his arms "Dont think your getting away with this. Im still going to punish you for your thinking being one of my guards, personal guard like your brothers. I enjoy just calling for the Jeons instead of calling each name" Jimin smirked softly.

Jeongguk scoffed and pinched Jimins cheek. "Lovely offer but il never slave to a royal, sorry doll"

The prince looked at the man with a smirk "That or you can be locked up in the dungeons. Think about it. You get paid 500 a day, six days a week which would give you and your brothers an extra 3,000 a week. You can find a beautiful house in the hills for only 10,000. You should be thanking me for such an opportunity Jeongguk"

Jeongguk narrowed his eyes at the prince. He couldnt imagine what benefit that money could do for him and his brothers. They could have their own rooms, seperate kitchen and living room too. Deep down he wanted it but he also didnt want to please the prince. His brothers would be much happier. Plus they could afford to go on adventures out of Busan if they saved up. This really was a good opportunity for them.

The dragon leaned forward to jimin "You have a deal doll but if you start bossing me around like a spoilt brat i will leave this palace quicker then you can say gold slippers".
Jimin let out a laugh and nodded "depends if you can cope with hard work Mister dragon" Jimin raised his brow and leaned back, arching his back playfully as he looked at Jeongguk for an answer.
Just as Jeongguk was about to answer a metal arrow shot through the window and missed Jimin by a mere few centimetres, pinning the sleeve of his robes to the table.

Jeongguk looked around and pulled the arrow off and held Jimin close "Are you okay?"
Jimin just nodded with a sigh "Its okay, the same guy has been trying to assasinate me for the as few months, bad shot but it scares me all the time".

The dragon growled, shocking Jimin slightly. Jeongguk spoke up "How can you deal with such a scary thing? I know your a stuck up royal but being targeted numerously is just shocking" Jeongguk stormed to the window and started climbing up. Jimin held onto the mans arm just before he was about to jump. "no jeongguk dont. its just some vengeful villiager looking for revenge. I put no thought to it".

Jeongguk looked at Jimin and sighed, climbing down from the window. "If you get targeted, shout for me, il hear you".

The prince smiled softly "I thought you didnt care for royals Jeongguk". The dragon laughed and patted the princes head softly before saying something that would drive Jimin insane.

"I dont care for royals, i care for beautiful little brats that have the most gorgeous features and crystal like eyes"

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