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My Prince charming isn't coming on a white horse but on a turtle, that's why it takes so long before we're together.

Author's POV

A girl in her late twenties was in her deep slumber snoring soundly on her cozy wooden bed, beneath a duvet that wasn't even properly covering her entire body.

She was completely lost in her Dreamland where her only PRINCE CHARMING Lee Min Ho was kneeling down in front of her with a huge grin plastered on his face.

He was admiring her like she was the most beautiful sight to be glimpse while she flashed a wolfishly smile, his frame stand with mirth and started to take couple of steps closer in her direction, subtracting the distance between them and not so late she found herself pinned with grip of his fingers on her wrist.

Under his taunting gaze, she could not help but feel timid and began to back away. Eventually, she discovered that he had already imprisoned her between his powerful arms and the wall.

And then, very slowly, he moved his face up to her ear, which had turned pale pink from timidness, and whispered softly in her ear.




"Uttha ja behan".

(Wake up sister)

She was perplexed but before she could figure out anything more, She realized that her whole body was shaking rapidly and she abruptly opened her dark brown doe eyes.

And soon realization hit her that it was all just a DREAM and before she could grieve on her shattered dream.

Suddenly, she heard someone giggling, and when she looked up to see who it was, it was none other than her younger brother Dev.

Who was nothing more than a diminutive Satan and an unrivaled troublemaker whose sole goal was to infuriate his elder sister to the breaking point.

With an idiotic grin tugging at the corner of his mouth, he stood on her bed.

Without having another thought Aadrika started to chase him and tried to get a hold on him, so that she could give him an earful and can teach him a good lesson.

It took couple of minutes to catch her little devil brother and by then she was patting hard and her poor lungs were inhaling the oxygen as much they could on that time as she was out of the breath and said between her harsh breathe "Ab bta beta kidhar Bhage ga" .

(Now tell me kid where would you run).

She was laughing like a maniac and was staring at dev who had the panicked look on his innocent face and was frightened.

She had no idea, though, that her amused expression would soon give way to one of horror.

Before she could punish her brother for his numpty deed. She moved her eyes from her brother to the door after sensing that there was someone else in her room besides Dev and herself.

She discovered that her mother, Anjali Sharma, was occupied with glaring at them both with a burning yet irritated expression.

Dev was shocked to see that his sister had become numb and had stopped speaking, something she rarely did.

Abruptly, he met his mother's enraged gaze as she stood close to the bedroom door, staring at him and his sister and doing nothing but stabbing them with daggers. He looked bash fully at his sister, who was speechless and had the same expression on her face as her younger brother.

Dev mumbles inaudibly "Ab toh hum gye kaam se" (Now we both are gone)

She strode toward her children, who were standing like terrible cats. After a short while, a loud and enraged voice sounded in the room, and both siblings realized they would have to brace themselves for an extensive lecture because nobody could save them from their mother's wrath this time, not even their father Abhivansh Sharma.

who was away on crucial business and is a well-known criminal defense attorney in the high court.

And once again their great mother yelled in a high pitch tone that made them gulped hardly their saliva in frightened.

(Only God knows, what will happen with both of you , Always try to fight with each other like cat and dog , you both don't have single bone of shame in your bodies, you both have nothing work to engage yourselves so thought why not to fight and spend our leisure time and whenever I try scold.

You both always zip my lips by saying that mumma today is Sunday. Let us have some fun and joy, just look at tiwari ji's children how well mannered they are. Never picked up fights with each other and here my dear children never leave a single chance to bother me).

And they both just look at the white ceramic floor tiles as if it were the most beautiful thing in the world to behold.

And after half an hour Anjali concluded her bitter scolding cause she realized that both of her children must be hungry as clock read 10:00 AM already and that she can also scold both of them later and then said in firm tone.

" Come downstairs as soon as possible and have your breakfast and don't even dare to quarrel with eachother again as I'm dead sure that result won't be in your favour"

They were forced to give an involuntary head nod.

Anjali just stepped out from the room as a lots of house chores were waiting for her and Dev went to his room for doing morning business but not before receiving a deadly glare from his elder sister.

This chapter has hopefully been enjoyed by all of you, and I would like to share a few sincere words with you all: the next few chapters may seem like "Same-plot-wattpad-story," but trust me, darlings 💌, you will all love this story as I've truly poured my heart and soul in writing every single word of this story, just kindly  remember not to pass judgment on it in the first few chapters:)

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