Chapter 11 - Vision No.3

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Will's Pov

I finished writing my letter to Mike, pleased with myself. It says:

Dear Mike,

I didn't think I would ever tell you this, but since I am leaving I feel like I need to. I have been in love with you for years.

I know it's gross, and I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I don't want to be in love with you because I know that you'll never love me back.

I know you'll hate me. I know you'll think I'm disgusting. I know that you won't ever visit me when I'm gone. And I'm sorry.

I just want to tell you what I think of you.

You are the most incredible person I've ever met. You are gorgeous, your face is so pretty with your defined cheekbones and your freckles. I love your hair, ever since you grew it out I think you have looked 10x more pretty. You are so sweet to me, and you have helped me through some of the darkest years of my life. And I'm glad that I got to be with you while I could.

If you are even still reading this, thank you. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most. I never thought anybody could be this special to me but here you are.

I'm rambling a bit now, so I am just going to end it here.


"William." A voice came from above me, and I froze.

I felt my heart start to pound, and I heard footsteps approaching me.

"W-What do you want?" I manage to mutter, feeling my hands shaking.

"You think some silly letters will save you?" Vecna growled, and I saw his shadow cover my letter, as it began to disintegrate.

"You cannot be saved. It is too late." He spoke gravely, and I began to cry.

He turned me around, and I could see his veiny body which only made me cry harder.

"W-Why me?" I whispered, trying to wipe away my tears.

"Because, William, we are alike." Vecna told me, and he lifted his claw above my face.

Images of my life began to flash before my eyes.

"We were both, neglected. Ignored." He told me, and I saw times of my friends laughing at me and making fun of me when I wanted to play DnD.

"We were, sensative. Very. Very sensative." He showed me images of me crying.

He held a mirror to my face, and I saw myself.

"Very. Sensative." He shattered the mirror, sending pieces flying everywhere.

"That is why, you. Will be my final victim. The last kill. So that I can reshape the world." He told me, removing his claw from above my face.

"No! No no stop it!" I cried, not wanting to believe him.

"Do not cry, child. It will all be over soon." Vecna told me, and I began to sob.

"Stop. Stop it." I cried, and I saw him look at me for a while, before nodding his head and walking away, as my surroundings began to fade.

"WILL! WAKE UP COME ON MAN!" I heard Lucas's voice.

"WILL! PLEASE WAKE UP!" Mike's voice echoed in the dark space.

"COME ON, WILL!" Dustins voice came from everywhere.

"MIKE!" I screamed, looking around.

"LUCAS? DUSTIN!" I tried to find a way out, but there wasn't one.

"WILL GET UP COME ON!" Mike's voice echoed again, and I began to loose hope.

"MIKE!" I cried even louder, before everything went black.

if i randomly stop posting its cos ive killed myself <3 ily

{Word Count: 601}

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